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Alphabetical [« »] adorer 1 adores 1 adoring 1 adorn 5 adorned 6 adorning 1 adornment 8 | Frequency [« »] 5 ability 5 abstinence 5 acquired 5 adorn 5 adulterer 5 advance 5 advanced | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances adorn |
Council, Canon
1 7”,95| their purity of life, and to adorn the inner rather than the 2 7”,95| chastity and purity, and not adorn their body in a manner that 3 7”,95| life, and preferring to adorn themselves, that is to say, 4 8”,16| clergymen, therefore, who adorn themselves with splendid 5 8”,23| icons: 1) the fact that they adorn and decorate the temples (