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Alphabetical [« »] sacrificial 16 sacrificing 1 sacrified 1 sacrilege 4 sacrilegiously 1 safe 10 safeguard 5 | Frequency [« »] 4 robbers 4 ruled 4 runs 4 sacrilege 4 safely 4 safety 4 scarlet | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances sacrilege |
Council, Canon
1 2”,6 | standing, as, for instance, sacrilege, the performance of sacred 2 4”,29| the rank of Presbyter is sacrilege. If, however, any just reason 3 4”,29| they declare that it is sacrilege for anyone to degrade a 4 4”,29| declares that it is worse than sacrilege for a bishop to be unjustly