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Alphabetical [« »] preposition 4 prepositions 1 prerogative 1 prerogatives 4 presaiictified 1 presanctified 13 presanetified 2 | Frequency [« »] 4 preference 4 prepare 4 preposition 4 prerogatives 4 presbytery 4 preserve 4 preside | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances prerogatives |
Council, Canon
1 2”,2 | with the proviso that the prerogatives of the bishop of Antioch 2 2”,3 | that he is to share the prerogatives of honor after the Pope 3 8”,23| by it. As for the other prerogatives which it says are to remain 4 8”,23| honors are the rest of the prerogatives in regard to which the Canon