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pervertedly 1
pestilence 1
pet 2
peter 67
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67 commands
67 ground
67 laodicea
67 peter
67 priest
66 heresy
66 year

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | Benesevic.8'~ ~Archbishop Peter L’Huillier~ ~ ~ 2 1”,10| XII of Ancyra; c. X of Peter.)~ ~Interpretation.~All 3 1”,11| VI of Ancyra; c. III of Peter; cc. LXXIII, LXXXI of Basil; 4 1”,11| according to c. III of Peter. But according to c. II 5 1”,12| utmost limit.~(cc. IX, XI of Peter; c. CII of the 6th; cc. 6 1”,12| Read also cc. IX and XI of Peter.~ ~ ~ 7 1”,20| XC of the 6th; c. XV of Peter.)~ ~Interpretation.~The 8 4”,25| of Carthage, and c. X of Peter.)~ ~Interpretation.~The 9 5 | Eutyches, and also Severus, and Peter the Bishop of Apameia, and 10 6 | exarchs of Agatho of Rome, Peter the monk who represented 11 6 | Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul, and Peter, all of whom were Patriarchs 12 7 | of the Pope of Rome,[126] Peter the Patriarch of Alexandria, 13 7 | aloud to the Seventh Ec. C. Peter the Bishop of Nicomedeia 14 7”,1 | Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul, Peter, all four of whom have acted 15 7”,2 | city of Alexandria, and of Peter who became Archbishop of 16 7”,19| CXXXIII of Carthage; c. X of Peter; c. VI of the Faster.)~ ~ 17 7”,26| 46). And if the Apostle Peter forbids women, who are by 18 7”,26| wear luxurious garments (1 Peter 3:3); and if Paul forbids 19 7”,80| excommunicated.~ ~Interpretation.~Peter Fullo (i.e., “the Fuller”) 20 7”,80| Fifth Ecum. Council, and Peter Fullo indeed was anathematized 21 7”,89| the First Synod, i.e., St. Peter and St. Basil the Great, 22 8 | Patriarch of Constantinople, Peter the Archpresbyter of Rome, 23 8 | Archpresbyter of Rome, and Peter, he too another presbyter 24 8”,1 | And the divine Apostle Peter, exulting in them, cries: “ 25 8”,1 | Coryphaeus of Apostles, St. Peter, exulting in them, says 26 8”,4 | Apostolic Ordinances. For Peter, the coryphaean summit of 27 8”,4 | Coryphaeus of Apostles St. Peter gives the following orders 28 8”,5 | communion, as was Simon by me Peter.” Likewise also in accordance 29 8”,23| exercising this authority, Peter the sacred martyr, who was 30 8”,23| notes further that before Peter’s time, since some bishops 31 8”,23| Although it is a fact that Peter of Antioch in writing to 32 8”,23| having the throne of St. Peter dishonored by being occupied 33 8”,23| Constantinople, he sent money to Peter the Bishop of Alexandria, 34 8”,23| from the time of blessed Peter the martyr.” As for why 35 8”,23| unconnected.” But, indeed, even Peter of Antioch, too, called 36 8”,23| tombs of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and placed under 37 8”,23| owing to the fact that Peter Knapheus of Antioch was 38 8”,23| order to shut the mouth of Peter who had his eye on Cyprus. 39 8”,23| Cyril says that Bishop Peter “either ought to have the 40 8”,23| his old age. Canon X of Peter the martyr, too, does not 41 8”,23| of the holy Apostle St. Peter, and with fasting and while 42 8”,23| with a prayer he begged St. Peter if there were any mistakes 43 8”,23| Faith of the Apostles. St. Peter uttered these things through 44 8”,23| also to the chief Apostle Peter.” Upon saying these words, 45 8”,23| whom the chief leader was Peter Knapheus (concerning whom 46 8”,23| to do so by the bishops. Peter the Chartophylax says that 47 8”,23| of Photius). In addition, Peter the chartophylax of the 48 8”,23| Rome was the seat of St. Peter, not because the Bishop 49 8”,23| Constantinople Sergius and Peter by Macarius of Antioch at 50 8”,23| the Seventh Ecum. Council Peter the legate of the Pope called 51 8”,23| Ecumenical Council anathematized Peter Knapheus for saying: “The 52 8”,23| delivered by the Bishop Elias to Peter the Metropolitan of Damascus.)~ ~ [ 53 8”,23| a garrara, according to Peter of Antioch in his letter 54 8”,23| in honor of the Apostle Peter, as the Westerners say, 55 8”,23| the divine voice said to Peter, “Rise, Peter, sacrifice, 56 8”,23| voice said to Peter, “Rise, Peter, sacrifice, and eat” (Acts 57 8”,23| even before the time of Peter Fullo. For thereafter Fullo 58 8”,23| three Persons. But insane Peter Fullo by adding thereto 59 8”,23| you may tell me that St. Peter or St. Paul or an angel 60 8”,23| will read to you, is not Peter or of Paul or of angels, 61 8”,23| see the successor of St. Peter close-shaven, as the Greeks 62 8”,23| certain Pope by the name of Peter on account of his lascivious 63 8”,23| the icons of the Apostles Peter and Paul, painted in colors, 64 8”,23| same Council, concerning Peter, which says: “Peter the 65 8”,23| concerning Peter, which says: “Peter the coryphaean summit, of 66 8”,23| And notwithstanding that Peter Lanselius and Corderius, 67 8”,23| according to the first Reply of Peter, and according to Manuel

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