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Alphabetical    [«  »]
ordering 4
orderliness 2
orders 136
ordinance 41
ordinances 8
ordinands 1
ordinary 12
Frequency    [«  »]
42 thereafter
41 add
41 consequently
41 ordinance
41 something
41 still
41 various

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,3 | arouse any suspicion.~ The ordinance of the first title of the 2 1”,15| some places contrary to the ordinance and legislation of the Apostolical 3 1”,19| the faithful. The second ordinance of the first Title of the 4 4”,16| Basil the Great (Ascetic Ordinance 21) a monk, as having reaped 5 7”,45| extenso Def. 32). The second ordinance of Title I of the Novels 6 7”,63| instead, must submit to the ordinance handed down by the Lord, 7 8”,10| flouting the canonical ordinance and leaving their own parish, 8 8”,20| 286]~ ~Concord.~The second ordinance of Title I of the Novels 9 8”,23| Basil the Great (ascetic ordinance 4), such men are so overcome 10 8”,23| Basil the Great (ascetic ordinance 4) says that even though 11 8”,23| That is why Justinian, in ordinance 29 of the fourth Title of 12 8”,23| That is why the seventh ordinance of the first Title of the 13 8”,23| refuse to go out (Ascetic Ordinance XXVI), it is nevertheless 14 8”,23| Title XIII, says that since ordinance One of Book XXIII of Title 15 8”,23| of the Code, in Title V, ordinance twelve, says that in case 16 8”,23| children Orthodox. And again in ordinance eighteen of the same Title 17 8”,23| according to the second ordinance of the First Title of the 18 8”,23| according to Book I, Title III, Ordinance 5. The woman herself, together 19 8”,23| Ordinances, in Title VIII, Ordinance 51 (in Photius, Title II, 20 8”,23| consecrated. And again, in Ordinance 10, Title I, it is stated 21 8”,23| thereafter. Notwithstanding that Ordinance 36, in Book XI, Title VII, 22 8”,23| according to Title VI of Ordinance 10. We cannot claim any 23 8”,23| property — according to Ordinance 13, Book VI, Title I. If 24 8”,23| the unsacred. According to Ordinance 14 title I one is prohibited 25 8”,23| according to the first Ordinance of Title II of the Novels ( 26 8”,23| Title XI, ch. 1). The second Ordinance of Title II of the Novels ( 27 8”,23| it be sold, according to Ordinance 73 of the first Title (in 28 8”,23| That is why the second ordinance of Title I of the Novels ( 29 8”,23| be deposed from office. Ordinance 44 of Title III decrees 30 8”,23| truly, as is required by the ordinance concerning antimensia in 31 8”,23| signs. Hence the thirteenth ordinance of the law prescribes that 32 8”,23| VIII of the law, Title I, ordinance 35 (in Photius Title IX, 33 8”,23| Book XLVII, Title III, ordinance 2 provides that anyone is 34 8”,23| 2, says that the third ordinance of Title II of the Novels 35 8”,23| fashion, according to the ordinance of the old Euchologion. 36 8”,23| prelate in accordance with the ordinance and representation in the 37 8”,23| done in violation of the ordinance in the Euchologion. For 38 8”,23| with them. That is why the ordinance in the Euchologion applying 39 8”,23| Great says (in his Ascetic Ordinance 10) that if any ascetic 40 8”,23| For this reason the second ordinance of Title I of the Novels 41 8”,23| monastery. And the thirty-eighth ordinance of Title II of Book I of

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