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Alphabetical    [«  »]
work 56
worked 1
working 1
works 28
workshop 1
workshops 3
world 61
Frequency    [«  »]
28 so-called
28 term
28 whose
28 works
28 xxiv
27 best
27 bodies

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | jurisprudence in Byzantium. These works, however, have only a limited 2 Intro | reproduce translations of the works of Byzantine commentators 3 Intro | Romanian, we can mention the works of Metropolitan Andrew Saguna, 4 Intro | we find some quite worthy works which interpret the ancient 5 Intro | found among the posthumous works of this great scholar; in 6 Intro | that from that time on the works of this Belgian canonist 7 Intro | completely drawn from the works of ancient and modern canonists. 8 Intro | It is, of course, these works that we have primarily used 9 4”,4 | their activities to the works that belong to monks, so 10 4”,24| alienating the monasteries’ own works and effects. Canon XIX of 11 5 | anathematized the written works of Diodorus of Tarsoupolis ( 12 7”,19| Church in their own written works have presented it; and let 13 7”,19| explained them in their written works; and they must endeavour 14 7”,60| perform such diabolical works and magic as we have enumerated 15 8”,19| and with respect to good works. So the present Canon says 16 8”,23| neither have considered the works of his hands comprehendingly” ( 17 8”,23| altogether from the most holy works of holy orders, because 18 8”,23| and energized the divine works, and in a divinely human 19 8”,23| God He willed the divine works, and as a human being the 20 8”,23| that He willed the divine works, nor as a mere man that 21 8”,23| in their own theological works); which perhaps is what 22 8”,23| men and imitate their good works.” But that the Presbyters 23 8”,23| things are really demonish works. St. Chrysostom, too, says ( 24 8”,23| according to the merit of their works.” Divine Chrysostom, too, 25 8”,23| not found in his written works. On the contrary, it dates 26 8”,23| Christ wrongly, and do the works of the Greeks; for even 27 8”,23| beholders to imitate the works of Saints, according to 28 8”,23| incorrectly traduce the works of Dionysius draw the material

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