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Alphabetical [« »] wrongfully 3 wrongly 8 wrord 1 wrote 22 wroth 1 wrought 5 x 36 | Frequency [« »] 22 told 22 unworthy 22 wherefore 22 wrote 22 xxxvi 22 ye 22 young | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances wrote |
Council, Canon
1 Intro | Emperor John II Comnenus, wrote some concise annotations 2 Intro | no doubt, John Zonaras wrote his commentary ( Exegesis) 3 Intro | scientific value of this work; he wrote that “for the first time, 4 6 | Leo II of Rome in what he wrote to the Emperor; Macarius 5 7”,28| after they had eaten, and wrote in his letter to Bishop 6 8”,23| applicability. For St. Paul himself wrote to Titus as well as to Timothy, 7 8”,23| Gregory’s pupil Gregory, who wrote his biography. But as Theodoret ( 8 8”,23| Gregory the Theologian also wrote some verses and some prose, 9 8”,23| when going to the Council, wrote from Philippoupolis to the 10 8”,23| concerning Nestorius, in which it wrote as follows: “After examining 11 8”,23| manifested. For when St. Cyril wrote in his ninth anathematization 12 8”,23| i.e., answer) which he wrote in reply to Theodoret’s 13 8”,23| Paul of Ephesus Theodoret wrote to John of Antioch as follows: “ 14 8”,23| the fact that Nestorius wrote in his Creed that the Holy 15 8”,23| Spirit. For divine Cyril wrote to Eulogius that we ought 16 8”,23| the Holy Spirit, as Cyril wrote to Theodosius. For, on the 17 8”,23| man divine Augustine also wrote something in his discussion 18 8”,23| as Tarasius and Photius wrote to Popes Adrian and Nicholas “ 19 8”,23| consigned to hell. Jerome wrote a letter against this opinion 20 8”,23| of the Sixth Ecum. C. and wrote the following lines to the 21 8”,23| likewise St. Augustine wrote to Bishop Proculianus, “ 22 8”,23| who with great industry wrote the lives of the holy Martyrs