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Alphabetical    [«  »]
heresiarchs 1
heresies 18
heresy 66
heretic 17
heretical 13
heretics 64
hereto 3
Frequency    [«  »]
17 follow
17 generally
17 glory
17 heretic
17 job
17 king
17 lay

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,8 | the faith, nor was he a heretic, but was instead a schismatic ( 2 4”,14| contract a marriage with a heretic, or a Jew, or a Greek, unless 3 4”,14| them in marriage with a heretic, that is to say, either 4 4”,14| and idolater. But if the heretic should promise to become 5 7”,80| innovating and disloyal heretic, we too, hereby confirming 6 8”,8 | neither shall any other heretic have a slave who is a Christian, 7 8”,23| whereas Celestius was a heretic and like-minded with Nestorius, 8 8”,23| Orthodox, while the other is a heretic, their children must become 9 8”,23| has taken a heretodox and heretic, he is not allowed to commune 10 8”,23| misunderstanding represented Cyril as a heretic. It does not include, as 11 8”,23| inerrable was an ungodly heretic and that he was anathematized 12 8”,23| fact that Honorius was a heretic. How, then, can anyone say 13 8”,23| Pope Honorius either was a heretic or was not. If he was, here, 14 8”,23| faith. But if he was not a heretic, Leo and Adrian erred in 15 8”,23| anathematizing him as a heretic. And thus, either by the 16 8”,23| Orthodox party with the heretic? But if it should so happen 17 8”,23| monastery if the abbot is a heretic, according to c. XVII of

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