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Alphabetical    [«  »]
eat 39
eatable 1
eaten 8
eating 17
eats 2
ec 77
eccl 8
Frequency    [«  »]
17 decided
17 decision
17 easter
17 eating
17 exactly
17 false
17 follow

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,3 | the 7th prohibits one from eating with his female relatives 2 7”,28 | break the usual course of eating dry things on other days 3 7”,28 | period of Great Lent by eating nothing but dry things, 4 7”,54 | kinds, that is to say, or by eating only dry food in the ninth 5 7”,73 | wont to sit on these when eating.[211] As for any persons 6 7”,100| the soterial Passion, by eating and drinking Christ as a 7 8”,23 | itself. For whether you are eating or you are drinking, the 8 8”,23 | not own sacred things by eating them, even though he fed 9 8”,23 | pass these six days without eating any food at all, while others 10 8”,23 | of Carthage allowed the eating of only dry things to be 11 8”,23 | everything, and by making the eating of food on these days to 12 8”,23 | prejudicing our case by eating botargo on Saturdays and 13 8”,23 | those who refrain from eating it are doing better.~ ~ [ 14 8”,23 | order to prevent them from eating their cattle when they are 15 8”,23 | days before Easter with the eating of plain food, by which 16 8”,23 | aponestizesthai”) is meant the eating of cheese, eggs, and Easter 17 8”,23 | finish fasting and begin eating the Easter feast with cheerfulness

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