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Alphabetical    [«  »]
decide 7
decided 17
decides 4
decision 17
decisions 14
decisively 1
decisiveness 1
Frequency    [«  »]
17 convent
17 david
17 decided
17 decision
17 easter
17 eating
17 exactly

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | occasion of a strictly limited decision.63~ Let us also note although “ 2 1”,5 | philanthropic (or more humane) decision regarding those who have 3 1”,19| heretics to be rebaptized by decision (note that the Council improperly 4 2”,6 | higher ones to whom the decision of a case is appealed, unless 5 4”,9 | refuses to accept the bishop’s decision, he shall be deposed from 6 4”,11| from wrath and the unjust decision of civil magistrates and 7 7”,86| according to the Lord’s decision, is subject to the judgment 8 7”,86| accordance with the Lord’s decision, which says: “Whosoever 9 8”,23| a result of a conciliar decision in order that they might 10 8”,23| a judge in regard to the decision of another Patriarch, according 11 8”,23| by this Canon to grant a decision in reference to an appeal 12 8”,23| that only the judgment and decision of the Bishop of Constantinople 13 8”,23| appeal can be taken from the decision of any Patriarch or of the 14 8”,23| any right to object to his decision. And Leo the Wise in the 15 8”,23| competent Patriarch examine the decision without fearing an appeal” ( 16 8”,23| Latins, and its vote and decision, being inerrable is to be 17 8”,23| Constantinople, in a synodical decision, decreed that if the presaiictified

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