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Alphabetical    [«  »]
sacrifice 21
sacrificed 9
sacrifices 7
sacrificial 16
sacrificing 1
sacrified 1
sacrilege 4
Frequency    [«  »]
16 possession
16 refuse
16 roman
16 sacrificial
16 sc
16 shape
16 sitting

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,10| with incense or to take sacrificial offers of food in their 2 7”,13| in the ceremonies at the sacrificial altar have to be temperate 3 7”,13| those who presiding at the sacrificial altar ought to be temperately 4 7”,27| grapes are offered at the sacrificial altar, in accordance with 5 7”,28| that the holy rites of the sacrificial altar, unless performed 6 7”,68| enter the sanctuary of the sacrificial altar. Canon I, however, 7 7”,89| in holy orders into the sacrificial altar on the evening of 8 7”,98| within the space of the sacrificial altars of sacred temples, 9 7”,98| roast meat inside of the sacrificial altars. But to me it seems 10 7”,98| within the space of the sacrificial altars,” fell into an error. 11 7”,98| within the space of the sacrificial altars” is not to be combined 12 7”,98| wherein is situated the sacrificial altar of the church, thus 13 8”,7 | Carthage decrees that those sacrificial altars in which there is 14 8”,23| worthy to preside over the sacrificial altar, neither ought he 15 8”,23| there has been established a sacrificial altar and wherein sacred 16 8”,23| over baptismal fonts and sacrificial altars to be all right to

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