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Alphabetical [« »] dubious 1 due 52 duke 1 duly 16 dumb 1 dumped 1 dumping 1 | Frequency [« »] 16 confessed 16 crucified 16 died 16 duly 16 eastern 16 eucharist 16 gangra | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances duly |
Council, Canon
1 Intro | are always presented as duly justified adjustments of 2 2”,2 | administrative provinces) is duly kept, it is evident that 3 2”,2 | the bishop of Antioch be duly respected, in accordance 4 4”,4 | monastic life deserve to be duly honored. But since some 5 7 | with all the Canons it has duly and divinely uttered, wherein 6 7”,30| officiate in them without being duly appointed and permitted 7 7”,36| by them shall be sure and duly established. For the definition 8 7”,36| some prelates after being duly ordained have been unable 9 7”,40| a Monastery, and become duly accustomed to anchoretic 10 7”,40| formality is that they must be duly imprisoned in the said cloister 11 7”,47| him. And after he has been duly ordained, she must enter 12 7”,83| doubt that they have been duly baptized, and neither are 13 7”,97| woman, and which has been duly signaled by a gift of wedding 14 8”,18| caught doing this, let him be duly canonized. But if he should 15 8”,23| orders who have not been duly taken to task and censured; 16 8”,23| only in one that has been duly dedicated and provided with