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Alphabetical [« »] utilized 1 utmost 2 utter 4 utterance 15 utterances 5 uttered 9 uttering 4 | Frequency [« »] 15 submit 15 suffered 15 testimony 15 utterance 15 vain 15 views 15 void | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances utterance |
Council, Canon
1 7”,1 | in accordance with the utterance of the Theologian. Hence, 2 7”,1 | our Emperor, embracing the utterance of the Theologian and driving 3 7”,13| declaration of the Gospel utterance: “What therefore God hath 4 7”,13| say. For even the Lord’s utterance in the Gospel says unequivocally: 5 7”,63| members, according to the utterance of the Apostle, in interpreting 6 7”,69| includes any sort of vocal utterance, and not merely articulate 7 7”,80| considering that such an utterance must be due to some innovating 8 7”,80| definition in allowing this utterance to be voiced in church, 9 8”,1 | live in them.” And if this utterance of the prophet’s commands 10 8”,13| are opposed to the Lord’s utterance saying: “Make not my Father’ 11 8”,13| quenched,” according to the utterance of Isaiah and of the Gospel, 12 8”,15| accordance with the Apostolical utterance, wherever he happens to 13 8”,16| they had heard from the utterance of the Lord that those wearing 14 8”,23| are taught by an Apostolic utterance. It is therefore indispensable 15 8”,23| him, and shall accept his utterance as a pious one; but if he