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Alphabetical [« »] models 2 moderate 5 moderation 1 modern 14 modernistic 1 modes 1 modest 9 | Frequency [« »] 14 manifest 14 mark 14 mary 14 modern 14 mundane 14 novels 14 observe | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances modern |
Council, Canon
1 Intro | followed by a paraphrase in modern Greek along with a commentary 2 Intro | canonical studies in the modern period.26 Fr. G. Florovsky 3 Intro | the works of ancient and modern canonists. However, we believe 4 7 | notwithstanding that the modern Latins calumiously traduce 5 7”,61| as these are called in modern Greek, being a kind of earthen 6 7”,69| the pretext that they are modern psalms and the writings 7 7”,69| psalms and the writings of modern men, who is preparing women 8 8”,23| just as some of our own modern theologians adduce evidence 9 8”,23| a Daniel, and so and so, modern judges, and plenty of examples 10 8”,23| remark in passing that some modern teachers would have it that 11 8”,23| are called the Kalanda (in modern Greek), playing games, dancing 12 8”,23| Politianus, with whom Ignatius, a modern author, agrees.~ ~ [260] 13 8”,23| the matter. But certain modern theologians explain that 14 8”,23| Orthodox; and that it is a modern affair, and not an ancient