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Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText CT - Frequency word list

50-21  =  514 words (16129 occurrences)
14547-10001  10000-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Frequency - Word Form
   50 affairs
   50 necessity
   50 picture
   50 virgin
   50 worthy
   50 xii
   49 acts
   49 age
   49 letters
   49 water
   48 connection
   48 jews
   48 mind
   48 need
   48 soul
   48 union
   47 afterwards
   47 bread
   47 consent
   47 cross
   47 further
   47 gospel
   47 leo
   47 metropolitans
   47 once
   47 permitted
   47 truth
   46 actually
   46 came
   46 justinian
   46 laws
   46 making
   46 perform
   46 rank
   46 rule
   46 therein
   45 7
   45 appear
   45 iv
   45 ix
   45 laity
   45 merely
   45 offer
   45 seventh
   44 christian
   44 get
   44 house
   44 left
   44 reply
   44 volume
   44 whoever
   44 writing
   43 abbot
   43 catholic
   43 fail
   43 greeks
   43 matters
   43 necessary
   43 photius
   43 reign
   43 wives
   43 wont
   42 beginning
   42 could
   42 leave
   42 oath
   42 ones
   42 ordain
   42 question
   42 reference
   42 symeon
   42 thereafter
   41 add
   41 consequently
   41 ordinance
   41 something
   41 still
   41 various
   40 14
   40 1st
   40 agreement
   40 allow
   40 already
   40 cause
   40 english
   40 fast
   40 kind
   40 me
   40 natures
   40 particular
   40 penance
   40 teaching
   40 theotoke
   40 thereof
   40 thessalonica
   40 throne
   39 admitted
   39 ancyra
   39 appears
   39 bema
   39 call
   39 care
   39 consecrated
   39 dare
   39 eat
   39 everything
   39 except
   39 free
   39 new
   39 number
   39 nuns
   39 outside
   39 penances
   39 rest
   39 sake
   39 within
   39 xiv
   38 8
   38 becoming
   38 dionysius
   38 dositheus
   38 giving
   38 injunctions
   38 know
   38 logos
   38 might
   38 nothing
   38 nun
   38 perhaps
   38 theodoret
   37 better
   37 catechumens
   37 deaconesses
   37 dogmas
   37 end
   37 lent
   37 local
   37 mentioned
   37 metropolis
   37 return
   37 set
   37 spite
   37 theologian
   36 effect
   36 far
   36 follows
   36 hair
   36 hold
   36 keeping
   36 little
   36 martyrs
   36 partake
   36 prohibits
   36 seeing
   36 serve
   36 services
   36 stated
   36 taking
   36 teach
   36 took
   36 x
   36 xvi
   35 12
   35 15
   35 forth
   35 longer
   35 moreover
   35 off
   35 unto
   35 wit
   35 xiii
   35 xx
   35 your
   34 along
   34 assembled
   34 denotes
   34 ephesus
   34 faithful
   34 going
   34 icon
   34 lest
   34 named
   34 previously
   34 property
   34 really
   34 secular
   34 spiritual
   34 state
   34 takes
   34 thereto
   34 xviii
   33 back
   33 becomes
   33 concord
   33 confirmed
   33 correct
   33 course
   33 dignity
   33 forbidden
   33 former
   33 natural
   33 prayers
   33 prescribed
   33 privileges
   33 purpose
   33 wear
   32 11
   32 assert
   32 blood
   32 clerics
   32 committed
   32 conciliar
   32 divinity
   32 episcopate
   32 four
   32 learned
   32 liable
   32 original
   32 prevent
   32 relics
   32 sense
   32 theodore
   31 19
   31 blessing
   31 calls
   31 condemned
   31 emperors
   31 facts
   31 fasting
   31 flesh
   31 force
   31 form
   31 henceforth
   31 kept
   31 latins
   31 nicephorus
   31 perfect
   31 pictures
   31 seven
   31 stand
   31 table
   31 use
   31 xi
   31 xvii
   30 9
   30 cities
   30 conduct
   30 earth
   30 evident
   30 greater
   30 honored
   30 interest
   30 known
   30 last
   30 nicaea
   30 performed
   30 properly
   30 real
   30 repentance
   30 special
   30 taught
   30 week
   30 xxii
   29 benefit
   29 between
   29 demons
   29 enough
   29 heart
   29 knowledge
   29 latin
   29 love
   29 lst-
   29 offered
   29 proper
   29 provided
   29 reasonable
   29 repent
   29 saint
   29 virtue
   29 wherein
   29 wish
   28 adds
   28 archbishop
   28 asserts
   28 belonging
   28 books
   28 constantine
   28 dodecabiblus
   28 eusebius
   28 face
   28 fifth
   28 monastic
   28 novel
   28 object
   28 orthodoxy
   28 owing
   28 places
   28 plain
   28 private
   28 prohibited
   28 promise
   28 saints
   28 salvation
   28 so-called
   28 term
   28 whose
   28 works
   28 xxiv
   27 best
   27 bodies
   27 command
   27 ecum
   27 enter
   27 handed
   27 happen
   27 live
   27 namely
   27 provinces
   27 resurrection
   27 seen
   27 sent
   27 six
   27 statues
   27 thou
   27 xxi
   26 10
   26 13
   26 although
   26 athanasius
   26 avoid
   26 commune
   26 cor
   26 dead
   26 garments
   26 gave
   26 heaven
   26 inside
   26 instance
   26 marry
   26 otherwise
   26 piety
   26 power
   26 saturday
   26 seat
   26 states
   26 synods
   26 unlawful
   26 want
   26 widows
   26 xxviii
   26 xxxiv
   25 18
   25 20
   25 adultery
   25 appeared
   25 believe
   25 cease
   25 collection
   25 composed
   25 deaconess
   25 enrolled
   25 evil
   25 expression
   25 formerly
   25 fornication
   25 hundred
   25 hypostasis
   25 learn
   25 mean
   25 oaths
   25 people
   25 plainly
   25 prescribes
   25 preserved
   25 regarding
   25 respecting
   25 sacerdotal
   25 sunday
   25 today
   25 truly
   25 virginity
   24 16
   24 abstain
   24 besides
   24 birth
   24 celebrated
   24 confess
   24 cut
   24 deemed
   24 definitions
   24 essence
   24 fear
   24 forty
   24 hereafter
   24 humanity
   24 intercourse
   24 issued
   24 jesus
   24 legislation
   24 luke
   24 mother
   24 my
   24 neocaesarea
   24 notwithstanding
   24 occasion
   24 party
   24 penalty
   24 placed
   24 precisely
   24 records
   24 regards
   24 sanctification
   24 show
   24 sit
   24 wearing
   23 acting
   23 altogether
   23 asserted
   23 barbarians
   23 beard
   23 bishopric
   23 blastaris
   23 bring
   23 cyprus
   23 declared
   23 dioceses
   23 enjoy
   23 epiphanius
   23 exarch
   23 excommunicates
   23 fellow
   23 goes
   23 guilty
   23 laid
   23 led
   23 meant
   23 painted
   23 paying
   23 penalties
   23 period
   23 rulers
   23 sardica
   23 shameful
   23 stay
   23 substance
   23 tell
   23 whatsoever
   22 appointed
   22 asked
   22 baptize
   22 brother
   22 chief
   22 convened
   22 depart
   22 derived
   22 economy
   22 entire
   22 judge
   22 judgment
   22 less
   22 makes
   22 matt
   22 mouth
   22 never
   22 nicene
   22 observed
   22 position
   22 seemed
   22 souls
   22 therefrom
   22 told
   22 unworthy
   22 wherefore
   22 wrote
   22 xxxvi
   22 ye
   22 young
   21 17
   21 admit
   21 alien
   21 appeal
   21 basilica
   21 belief
   21 caesarea
   21 canonized
   21 century
   21 chalcedon
   21 commanded
   21 compelled
   21 contained
   21 corrected
   21 country
   21 customs
   21 deposition
   21 desire
   21 examined
   21 fails
   21 forbid
   21 hath
   21 holding
   21 names
   21 novatians
   21 pass
   21 permissible
   21 poor
   21 reasons
   21 respects
   21 rules
   21 sacrifice
   21 small
   21 text
   21 tradition
   21 trinity
   21 vol

50-21  =  514 words (16129 occurrences)
14547-10001  10000-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

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