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Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText CT - Frequency word list

20-15  =  316 words (5497 occurrences)
14547-10001  10000-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Frequency - Word Form
   20 accord
   20 animals
   20 carnal
   20 caught
   20 commandments
   20 danger
   20 denied
   20 deprived
   20 dispute
   20 entirely
   20 equal
   20 etc
   20 ever
   20 eyes
   20 fashion
   20 fire
   20 followed
   20 home
   20 ignorance
   20 large
   20 light
   20 offering
   20 officiate
   20 paint
   20 parts
   20 penanced
   20 possessed
   20 pretext
   20 previous
   20 priorities
   20 privilege
   20 proved
   20 reverence
   20 rights
   20 seal
   20 service
   20 standing
   20 subdeacons
   20 symbol
   20 tarasius
   20 ten
   20 theodosius
   20 thirty
   20 thursday
   20 timothy
   20 westerners
   20 witnesses
   20 xxix
   19 adopted
   19 aforesaid
   19 anagnosts
   19 beings
   19 bestowed
   19 capital
   19 carry
   19 chapter
   19 comes
   19 coming
   19 considered
   19 control
   19 doctrine
   19 euchologion
   19 excluded
   19 explicitly
   19 find
   19 forbids
   19 furthermore
   19 gift
   19 god-bearing
   19 herself
   19 imposition
   19 join
   19 joined
   19 judged
   19 lawful
   19 least
   19 legates
   19 look
   19 needs
   19 night
   19 o
   19 often
   19 opinion
   19 parishes
   19 possible
   19 precious
   19 public
   19 reading
   19 reality
   19 region
   19 regions
   19 scriptures
   19 servants
   19 served
   19 simply
   19 socrates
   19 sort
   19 sozomen
   19 steward
   19 suspicion
   19 tears
   19 temples
   19 tried
   19 went
   19 xlvii
   18 added
   18 administer
   18 applied
   18 approval
   18 attempt
   18 attested
   18 carried
   18 change
   18 chant
   18 claim
   18 concession
   18 converted
   18 devil
   18 easily
   18 east
   18 entitled
   18 future
   18 gold
   18 heresies
   18 higher
   18 history
   18 homily
   18 houses
   18 image
   18 inhabited
   18 kingdom
   18 manuscripts
   18 oil
   18 ordinations
   18 parish
   18 passage
   18 passed
   18 pay
   18 personal
   18 regional
   18 round
   18 secondly
   18 shown
   18 similar
   18 situated
   18 strange
   18 sufficient
   18 sundays
   18 translator
   18 treated
   18 trial
   18 turned
   18 twice
   18 undertake
   18 xxvi
   17 21
   17 28
   17 32
   17 accused
   17 altar
   17 anathema
   17 bad
   17 complete
   17 convent
   17 david
   17 decided
   17 decision
   17 easter
   17 eating
   17 exactly
   17 false
   17 follow
   17 generally
   17 glory
   17 heretic
   17 job
   17 king
   17 lay
   17 maximus
   17 meat
   17 mention
   17 mystery
   17 none
   17 obvious
   17 occur
   17 pardon
   17 parents
   17 practice
   17 preceding
   17 punishment
   17 relatives
   17 reverent
   17 separated
   17 soldiers
   17 subdeacon
   17 thoughts
   17 tonsure
   17 willing
   17 wise
   17 worldly
   16 23
   16 27
   16 able
   16 agree
   16 angels
   16 animal
   16 ask
   16 attached
   16 black
   16 blessed
   16 built
   16 cases
   16 chosen
   16 clearly
   16 confessed
   16 crucified
   16 died
   16 duly
   16 eastern
   16 eucharist
   16 gangra
   16 gospels
   16 hymn
   16 improper
   16 incarnate
   16 interpreting
   16 invalid
   16 marriages
   16 mentions
   16 mercy
   16 myron
   16 occurred
   16 partaking
   16 possess
   16 possession
   16 refuse
   16 roman
   16 sacrificial
   16 sc
   16 shape
   16 sitting
   16 slave
   16 think
   16 thy
   16 treatment
   16 verbatim
   16 vessels
   16 xxiii
   16 xxxi
   15 29
   15 adding
   15 adore
   15 always
   15 anathematizes
   15 antimensia
   15 apostolical
   15 arians
   15 assigned
   15 bible
   15 building
   15 buried
   15 celebrate
   15 chalice
   15 character
   15 conferred
   15 embrace
   15 engage
   15 engaged
   15 eparchy
   15 epistle
   15 excuse
   15 expressly
   15 failed
   15 five
   15 forced
   15 full
   15 high
   15 including
   15 juris
   15 laying
   15 legal
   15 mere
   15 multitude
   15 nicholas
   15 nyssa
   15 prelacy
   15 prolegomena
   15 promulgated
   15 prophet
   15 provide
   15 quite
   15 rate
   15 refrain
   15 relative
   15 romans
   15 separate
   15 servant
   15 sheep
   15 shut
   15 sobriety
   15 sold
   15 speak
   15 submit
   15 suffered
   15 testimony
   15 utterance
   15 vain
   15 void
   15 wedding
   15 west
   15 whenever
   15 wherever
   15 witness
   15 xxv
   15 xxxv

20-15  =  316 words (5497 occurrences)
14547-10001  10000-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

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