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Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

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(Hapax - words occurring once)

1028-balan | balin-const | consu-engra | enhan-harsh | harus-leade | lean-osten | ostia-raven | ravin-strai | stran-varia | varie-zosti

                                                      bold = Main text
     Council,  Canon                                  grey = Comment text
1 8”,23 | but as Dositheus says (p. 1028 of the Dodecabiblus) by 2 8”,23 | Council, held in the year 1084 during the patriarchate 3 Intro | on this subject. Between 1118 and 1143, Alexis Aristenos, 4 Intro | 12 Not very long after 1159, no doubt, John Zonaras 5 Intro | Ecumenical Patriarch Michael III (1169-1176), elaborated his commentaries 6 Intro | Patriarch Michael III (1169-1176), elaborated his commentaries 7 Intro | Emperor Manuel Comnenus (1143-1180) and the Ecumenical Patriarch 8 8”,23 | also Job the Sinner, page 1333 of the Syntagmation of Chrysanthus, 9 Intro | written in Thessalonica around 1335, is a collection of canons, 10 8”,23 | Constance, Germany, in the year 1414 unlawfully legislated. As 11 8”,23 | was sent, according to the 15th ch. of the 3rd book (of 12 Intro | Zeger-Bernard Van Espen (1646-1728), the most famous canonist 13 Intro | Dositheos of Jerusalem (1669-1707) sent a copy of Beveridge' 14 Intro | Patriarch Adrian of Moscow (1690-1700) so that the latter 15 Intro | Patriarch Adrian of Moscow (1690-1700) so that the latter could 16 Intro | later Bishop of St. Asaph (1704), this erudite Anglican 17 Intro | Dositheos of Jerusalem (1669-1707) sent a copy of Beveridge' 18 Intro | Zeger-Bernard Van Espen (1646-1728), the most famous canonist 19 Intro | Greek Orthodox Church. In 1800, the first edition of the 20 Intro | work. Karl-Joseph Hefele (1809-1898), professor at Tubingen 21 Intro | published in St. Petersburg in 1851.25 Nicodemus Milash rightly 22 Intro | published in seven volumes from 1855 to 1874.39 Even though it 23 Intro | professor at Oxford from 1868-1901.37 His commentaries 24 Intro | seven volumes from 1855 to 1874.39 Even though it has been 25 Intro | commentaries was published in 1895-6 by Nicodemus Milash, who 26 Intro | Karl-Joseph Hefele (1809-1898), professor at Tubingen 27 Intro | professor at Oxford from 1868-1901.37 His commentaries on the 28 Intro | Patriarch Neophyte VII, August, 1902, concerned only changes 29 Intro | classic reference work. In 1907 the Benedictine monk, Henri 30 8”,23 | priest” (Discourse 8 on 1Cor., p. 290 of vol. iii). Moreover, 31 8”,23 | Chrysostom does too in his 27th Homily on the First Epistle 32 7”,100| offering them.~(1 Cor. 12:27; 2Cor.6:16.)~ ~Interpretation.~ 33 8”,23 | administration of the mystery, pp. 3012). But some other persons 34 8”,23 | Matthew. See Argentes, page 306. Those who partook of the 35 8”,23 | concerning the Lord’s Supper, p. 308. But the Lord’s suppers 36 8”,23 | according to the Apostle (page 310 of the Corpus Juris Graecoromani), 37 7 | Fathers who attended it was 327 according to Balsamon and 38 Intro | legislation. Thus around 330, Eusebius of Caesarea, having 39 8”,23 | Basil the Great says (letter 332), and from what the Theologian 40 7 | Balsamon and Zonaras, but 340 according to the author 41 5 | against the Origenists (p. 341 of the second volume of 42 8”,23 | does also Evagrius (page 346 of Vol. II of the Collection 43 8”,23 | of the Councils, and page 347 ibid.), and especially because 44 8”,23 | of the Councils from page 357 to page 654, that is to 45 8”,23 | dogmas contrary thereto (page 372 of the second volume of 46 8”,23 | according to Dositheus, page 388. By adding in the present 47 8”,23 | evidence (Reply 61, page 392 of the Juris Graecorum), 48 4 | Dositheus, from p. 331 to p. 397; and the second volume of 49 8”,23 | does not die (Dositheus, p. 424 of the Dodecabiblus).~ ~ [ 50 3 | Theodosius II), in the year 431 after Christ, numbering 51 3 | Conciliar Records on p. 436 thereof.) And the bishop 52 8”,23 | ordination. But see also (page 440 of Jus Graeco-Romanum) where 53 8”,23 | entirely dry. (Dositheus, p. 446 of the Dodecabiblus.)~ ~ [ 54 8”,23 | as Balsamon says, on page 447 of the Juris Graecoromanus. 55 4 | assembled in Ephesus A.D. 448, at which Dioscorus presided, 56 8”,23 | perfect work (Dositheus, p. 469 of the Dodecabiblus). It 57 8”,23 | discussion in Dositheus, p. 470 of the Dodecabiblus, and 58 7”,80 | which was held in Rome A.D. 487 under Pope Felix before 59 8”,23 | heretical views (see pp. 495-7 of the Dodecabiblus).~ ~ [ 60 Intro | Hierapolis of Euphratesia (500-501) is far from being as 61 Intro | Hierapolis of Euphratesia (500-501) is far from being as interesting 62 8”,23 | held in Agatha in the year 506 fixed the time as eight 63 8”,23 | in his Dodecabiblus, p. 514). That explains why the 64 8”,23 | Patriarchs in Jerusalem, page 526); or else it was because, 65 8”,23 | of the East in the year 545. And Pope Leo III of Rome, 66 5 | Constantinople) was held in the year 553 in the reign of Emperor 67 8”,23 | Discourse 15 on statues, page 564 of volume VI). See also 68 8”,23 | Sermon 15 on statues, page 566 of volume VI). See also 69 8”,23 | divine Chrysostom, in his 56th homily on the Gospel of 70 8”,23 | out of the Father” (page 580 of the first volume of the 71 8”,23 | King Richard of Spain, A.D. 589, commanded the holy Creed 72 8”,23 | Homily 19 on Statues, page 594 of the sixth volume, stich. 73 7 | Council (see also Dositheus p. 603 to p. 618 of the Dodecabiblus).~ ~ 74 8”,23 | Discourse 20 on statues, page 610 of volume VI). And again 75 7 | also Dositheus p. 603 to p. 618 of the Dodecabiblus).~ ~ 76 8”,23 | Council) assembled in the year 6199 after Adam, and 691 after 77 8”,23 | Discourse 3 on the Acts, p. 627 of vol. IV). According to 78 4 | Fathers attending it was 630, the most notable of whom 79 8”,23 | with them (Dositheus, page 631 of the Dodecabiblus).~ ~ [ 80 8”,23 | 6 of the 7th C.; and p. 647 of the sixth vol. of Chrysostom). 81 8”,23 | Councils from page 357 to page 654, that is to say, to the 82 8”,23 | according to Dositheus (p. 656 of the Dodecabiblus); to 83 6 | Constantinople) was held in the year 680 after Christ in the time 84 8”,23 | and finished its work A.D. 681 in the first month of the 85 8”,23 | according to St. John, page 686 of the second volume, stich. 86 8”,23 | of the Councils, on page 698 thereof; and not in the 87 8”,23 | to Leo the Isaurian (p. 712 of the second volume of 88 8 | vol. 11 of the Synods, pg. 719. ~ ~ ~Canons. ~ ~ 89 8”,23 | Symeon Metaphrastes, on page 720 of his work entitled Philocalia.~ ~ [ 90 8”,23 | memory among Patriarchs, page 745, concerning those who have 91 7 | eighty-second Canon (p. 747 of the Collection of the 92 8”,23 | Dodecabiblus of Dositheus, pp. 776-8. Meletius the Confessor ( 93 8”,23 | in the Dodecabiblus, p. 778. As for the fact that our 94 8”,23 | plain in the same Act, p. 779, from the speech delivered 95 8”,23 | Others say in the year 788. The most accurate chronologers, 96 8”,23 | iconomach), was corrected (page 789 of the Collection of the 97 8”,23 | Seventh Council (Act 5, p. 819 of the second volume of 98 8”,23 | Holy Spirit. (Act 5, p. 830). As for the assertion made 99 8”,23 | them to sanctify them (p. 844 of vol. II of the Conciliar 100 8”,23 | and mingled with wax” (p. 845 of the second volume of 101 8 | Epitomized Definitions, p. 850). But this worship must 102 8”,23 | original of the merit?” (page 859, of the second volume of 103 Intro | the general councils of 861 and 879-880. Zonaras put 104 8”,23 | instead of a wall” (page 881 of vol. V). Hence it may 105 8”,23 | encomiastic speech (page 890 of the second volume of 106 8”,23 | he sent to Pope Leo; page 912 of the second volume of 107 8”,23 | of Alexius Comnenus (page 981 of the second volume of 108 8”,23 | too, along with him, take å ia too, along with him, 109 8”,23 | in the seventh century A.C.; while that of “Ecumenical 110 8”,23 | Moses to tell the sons of Aaron, or, in other words, the 111 7”,42 | ascetic mode of life and abandoning the turbulent whirl of ordinary 112 7”,86 | Any husband, however, who abandons his lawful wife, and takes 113 7”,98 | deposed and ousted from the abbacy because he brought meat 114 8”,23 | shy of nuns. That is why Abbas (i.e., abbot) Isaac, in 115 7”,98 | c. III) that he saw an abbot-priest deposed and ousted from 116 8”,23 | a transliteration of an abbreviated form of the Greek word Kyrios, 117 1 | of Caesarea and his two abbreviators, Socrates and Sozomen, as 118 8”,23 | stricken by remorse if they abdicate the rights of holy orders, 119 7”,83 | captured by barbarians and abducted to distant regions,[222] 120 8”,23 | 30). Likewise anyone that abducts or tries to take such a 121 8”,23 | animal) sin that is due to an aberrancy of the three faculties of 122 8”,23 | virgin, even those who have abetted the ravishment are liable 123 8”,23 | to c. XLVII of Basil he abhorred marriage and wine; he used 124 8”,23 | Eucharist. And if Abimelech (or Abiathar) the prelate (or high priest), 125 8”,23 | divine Eucharist. And if Abimelech (or Abiathar) the prelate ( 126 7”,42 | permitted to renounce and abjure the world, and to go to 127 2”,2 | explicit, neighboring and abler bishops ought to go to them, 128 8”,19 | has decided to take up his abode as a monk, the present Canon 129 1”,15 | has seemed reasonable to abolish definitively the custom 130 8”,23 | displayed great diligence in abolishing all such Satanic and Greek “ 131 8”,23 | the building, are sinning abominably.~ 4) And last, the fact 132 8”,23 | really these things are abominations to God, and are in truth 133 7”,90 | procuring abortion, termed abortifacients, are, as some note, and 134 8”,23 | her belly, with a view to aborting the child, shall be beaten 135 8”,4 | aggregate, spoke openly and aboveboard as follows: “I have coveted 136 Intro | restriction the principle that abrogates a canon when its ratio legis 137 8 | and contemptuously. After abrogating (Act 6) the falsely so-called 138 Intro | conciliar authority issuing the abrogation or modification possess 139 4”,8 | the Holy Fathers, and not abscond from the authority of their 140 3”,2 | province of Antiocheia have absented themselves from the Council, 141 8”,23 | bound again (i.e., their absolution must be revoked), and they 142 2”,2 | ordinations, or penances, or absolutions, or any other such matters; 143 8”,23 | he says that if a priest absolves from their sins and they 144 3”,5 | either dared to give a pardon absolving them from excommunication 145 3 | For, after quaffing and absorbing the muddy and heretical 146 8”,23 | partake of communion must have abstained from womankind, declared 147 7”,29 | in order to show, by this abstention from cohabitation, that 148 7”,13 | ought to be temperately abstinent from everything at the time 149 7”,21 | it. If in consulting the abstracts of the sacred Canons anyone 150 1 | Council lasted he provided abundantly for the maintenance of the 151 8”,23 | whereas the other succumbed to abuse, when ill treated and insulted. 152 8”,23 | ordinations, which Meletius had abused, but also in the matter 153 8”,23 | treated dishonorably or abusively.~ ~ [205] Note that, according 154 7”,38 | territory extending from Abydus, or, in other words the 155 2 | however, they agreed and acceded to the things it decreed, 156 8”,23 | the Council necessarily accedes to it. But as for the Orthodox 157 1”,7 | the bishops successively acceding to the throne, and not to 158 8”,23 | inconsistent with the meaning and acceptation of the present Canon. Reconciling 159 8”,23 | else, it is taken in an accidental sense, and not in its proper 160 1”,8 | Christ, and that they will accomodate them, according to fixed 161 7”,78 | have been one above every accompaniment of any confinement due to 162 8”,23 | seeing that everything is accomplished for us through the Cross, 163 8”,17 | capital for this end and the accomplishment of their object, let them 164 7”,46 | own life to be seemly and accordant to the Lord. If anyone do 165 8”,23 | not so, no benefit will accrue from protraction of the 166 7”,81 | of the world which thence accrues.~ ~Interpretation.~Since 167 1”,17 | the interest and profit accruing from the money, thus calling 168 7”,73 | word derived from the verb accumbo, which means in Latin to 169 8”,23 | sixth Act says: “Let us not accustom the mouth to swearing, but 170 8”,23 | of matrimony, succeed in achieving his aim of monastic purity 171 7”,86 | or consistentes, and thus acquiring the right to commune. Read 172 7”,3 | excess nor have left on acrid impression of austerity; 173 8”,23 | called on the principle of acrostic, Caraj (or in Greek, Karai). 174 8”,23 | every confessor must be actively invested with holy orders, 175 8”,23 | that promise is not to be actualized and put into effect, and 176 8”,23 | reasoning power or having a most acute passion, has conceived a 177 1 | 300, and in his letter "Ad Afros" he says explicitly 178 6 | again, was it within the adaptability of one and the same will 179 Intro | Church had to make concrete adaptations of the old canonical regulations 180 8”,23 | language in this connection, an adequate translation of this part 181 1”,8 | and in Italy. Those who adhered to his misbelief were called 182 8”,23 | and who do not insist on adhering to the sin of the second 183 1 | Church anathematizes. ~The adhesion was general and enthusiastic. 184 3”,3 | believing rightly, we have adjudged it right and just that they 185 8”,23 | a general and universal adjunct (or amplifier). On this 186 8”,23 | last will and testament adjures persons not to bury him 187 8”,23 | flourishing in virtues, adjusted matters so that the republic 188 7”,8 | considering and correcting or adjusting ecclesiastical matters that 189 Intro | presented as duly justified adjustments of particular details.46 190 8”,23 | rason with the auspicious adjuvant of a blessing, and have 191 7 | Tarasius has left us this admirable testimony concerning these 192 8”,23 | particular situation most admirably, to wit: “And it shall come 193 8”,23 | praised and deserving of all admiration: “Precisely, therefore, 194 1”,9 | fallen into sins are not admissible to holy orders. Because, 195 8”,23 | manner, he is to be refused admittance to any other monastery. 196 8”,23 | spiritual songs, and who admix therewith theatrical postures 197 7”,31 | taught that water should be admixed whenever it was requisite 198 7”,31 | denying in these words the admixture of water in the Mysteries, 199 8”,2 | order that he may be able to admonish all the clergy about him 200 7”,7 | of the fact that our Lord admonishes not to enjoy being called 201 8”,23 | i.e., abbot) Isaac, in admonishing a monk, tells him in addition 202 7”,44 | thereupon and without further ado the blessing of the habit 203 7”,15 | when he reached the age of adolescence, or, more explicitly, the 204 8”,23 | become a monk or nun being adolescent, and consequently able to 205 7”,42 | with anyone that genuinely adopts it, and no manner of means 206 8”,23 | adoration befitting a slave (as adorer), and not a freeman, on 207 8”,23 | is what is done when one adores merely the one represented 208 8”,23 | Egyptians were wrong in adoring it as a god). Not only the 209 7”,44 | Canon prohibits women from adorning themselves in attractive 210 7”,95 | such deceptive and vain adornments or embellishments, in such 211 8”,23 | and Amman the Bishop of Adrianoupolis concurred, just as Alexander 212 8”,23 | services. But if he was an adult and denied the faith after 213 8”,23 | because it appears to be adulterated at some points. For the 214 8”,23 | ridding them of every lie and adulteration, and going in person to 215 7”,92 | husbands are coming back, are adulteresses. However, these women who 216 7”,86 | house after she has been adulterously employed by another man. 217 Intro | practical impossibility (adunatos), such as barbarian invasions, 218 8”,23 | thus: “The monachal habit advances from the lesser to the more 219 8”,23 | of Rome cannot be judged (adversely) by anyone unless the argument 220 8”,23 | to shame him, as St. Paul advises. In his letter in regard 221 Intro | of his time between the advocates and opponents of the absolute 222 8”,23 | Hadrian, who renamed Jerusalem Aelian, according to Theodoret 223 8”,23 | name Aelia was derived from Aelius, a surname of Hadrian, who 224 8”,23 | views were held also by Aetius. Though called Eunomians, 225 8”,23 | to God, and are in truth affectations of Greeks and alien to Christians, 226 1”,1 | this in regard to those who affectedly and wilfully dare to make 227 3”,8 | bishop, in pursuance of affection and love in Christ. But 228 8”,23 | the reasoning faculty, the affective faculty, and the desiderative 229 8”,23 | the fact that the latter affiims the true humanity of Christ, 230 8”,23 | the name of God by way of affirmation, these are figures of a 231 8”,23 | candidate replies in the affirmative to the question asked him 232 7”,27 | has gained prevalence, by affixing them to the bloodless sacrifice 233 8”,23 | the scoundrel experienced afflictions of divine indignation. His 234 8”,23 | craving and pleasure which affords them a more intense and 235 2”,6 | ecumenical council to the affrontment of all the Bishops of the 236 2”,6 | scorns these regulations and affronts all the bishops of the Diocese, 237 8”,23 | tongue with the contact and affusion of the Mysteries (p. 337 238 6 | become tired of traveling afoot; to resurrect Lazarus and 239 8”,23 | days.” The prosmonarius was afraid to announce the vision to 240 1 | 300, and in his letter "Ad Afros" he says explicitly 318. 241 7”,40 | accordance with God’s way and afterward goes back to a worldly life, 242 Intro | the editors were hieromonk Agapios and the monk Nicodemus ( 243 8”,23 | while the Latins stood agasp and speechless.~ We have 244 8”,23 | the local council held in Agatha in the year 506 fixed the 245 8”,23 | in men is gray hair and agedness, “wisdom is gray hair unto 246 8”,23 | the churches through the agency of the bishops in communion 247 7”,101| ulcer of the soul is being aggravated by the application of the 248 7”,101| whether he is not actually aggravating, or increasing, the lesion 249 8”,4 | rather to every sacerdotal aggregate, spoke openly and aboveboard 250 8”,23 | not being in charge of any aggregation (or body) of faithful believers 251 8”,23 | too. From them arose the Agnoites, whose leader was Themistius. 252 7”,18 | fails to conduct himself agreeably to the present Canon, let 253 8”,23 | penalty which befell King Ahaz, who, though a layman, undertook 254 8”,23 | Dionysius, too, and Timothy Ailourus called the Bishop of Ephesus 255 8”,23 | to let the holy bread be aired enough until the dampness 256 8”,23 | themselves and to put on airs of grandeur both in the 257 8”,23 | out of ectoplasm, or an airy essence. The said John, 258 8”,23 | their naves and in their aisles, and in general in streets 259 2”,6 | word with a signification akin to “crossing” or “fording”), 260 8”,23 | baiters of God! Woe and alackaday to those who engage in such 261 4”,28 | for instance, those called Alani are adjacent to and flank 262 8”,23 | beings. Their leader was John Alexandreus the Philoponus. All Monophysites 263 8”,23 | Canons, available in the Alexandrian edition. Joseph the Egyptian 264 8”,23 | Macarius was followed also by Alexias in her History, and by Nicholas 265 Intro | Between 1118 and 1143, Alexis Aristenos, deacon and nomophylax 266 8”,23 | Ps. 63:11; Jer. 4:2; and alibi). Yes, they were permitted; 267 8”,12 | that if anyone who should alienate them, as bishop from the 268 8”,5 | which is alien to God and alienates men from God, and from every 269 4”,24 | prohibits any abbot from alienating the monasteries’ own works 270 8”,23 | the holy Bread with the all-indefectible Blood, as is prescribed 271 7”,78 | alleged puerperium of the All-intemerate Parthenometor (i.e., the 272 8”,23 | deliver him to you?” Most all-sacred and holy prelates, take 273 8”,23 | unrestricted intercourse and allays vehement sexual love, and 274 8”,12 | that the bishop or abbot alleges that such or such a field, 275 8”,4 | making shameful profits, alleging lame excuses such as are 276 8”,23 | Consequently, and in a more allegorical way, it served as a type 277 8”,23 | or to have their illness alleviated with incantations and bindings, 278 8”,23 | receive a mitigation and alleviation of their future punishment. 279 8”,23 | Nevertheless, others thereafter allot these services to the subdeacons, 280 8”,23 | merit or worth, or by way of allotting an equality of honor or 281 8”,23 | sake accepted it, making allowances for the imperfect knowledge 282 8”,23 | to muddle his brain or to allure him to their love; which 283 8”,23 | tunics bearing letters of the alphabet and triangles, and not any 284 Intro | The “Syntagma arranged in alphabetical order according to subject” 285 4”,16 | c. VI and his VIII; see alsto c. VII of the present Council.~ ~ ~ 286 7”,1 | shall be no innovation or alteration in the faith which has been 287 8”,23 | they chant to one another alternately.” Afterwards again: “Having 288 7”,40 | being drawn towards this alternative, and thus, with the blessing 289 8”,4 | children are not obliged to amass treasure to give to their 290 8”,23 | all the persons there were amazed. This miracle appears to 291 8”,23 | hand. For this reason it is amazing that this 3rd Ec. C. did 292 Intro | several ways due to editorial ambiguities in grammatical construction 293 8”,23 | co-operative good will, or, in less ambiguous words, the fact of not being 294 8”,23 | doors of private houses, ambling about, and uttering many 295 8”,23 | same time pronouncing an “Amen!” in acknowledgment thereof. 296 8”,23 | that no other Christian amid their quarrels and differences 297 8”,23 | called Her the Theotoke, and Amman the Bishop of Adrianoupolis 298 1”,3 | just as it stigmatized also Amnon, the son of David, as a 299 8”,23 | Theodosius the bishop of Amorion says in Act 4 of the same 300 7”,2 | Gregory the Theologian, of Amphilochius the Archbishop of Iconium, 301 8”,23 | and universal adjunct (or amplifier). On this point see also 302 8”,23 | themselves by refraining from amusements, dances, games, songs, and 303 8”,23 | the other hand it is an amusing and comical dilemma about 304 8”,23 | analabus (which is also called anaboleus by Sozomen) was of leather, 305 8”,23 | according to sacred Photius (Anagmosma 54), since he blasphemed 306 8”,23 | partake of sanctity, and are anagogically lifted up and carried back 307 Intro | capable of being applied analogically62 or else when an ecclesiological 308 8”,23 | are. Hence such giving is analogous with the “takers,” or recipients, 309 Intro | background as well as an analysis of the texts themselves. 310 7”,19 | truth out of the Holy Bible, analyzing the meanings and judgments 311 8”,23 | For even the land which Ananias and Sapphira his wife consecrated 312 7”,89 | resurrection hymns called the Anastasimi, and from the darkness of 313 5 | constitution, but only fourteen anathematisms against the said heretics 314 8”,23 | other words, the twelve anathematizations directed against the unholy 315 7”,32 | whether they have been born of ancestors who were priests, or not. 316 8”,23 | by Patriarch Michael of Anchialos, it was not accepted, but, 317 7”,40 | become duly accustomed to anchoretic conduct, and to submit for 318 Intro | Asaph (1704), this erudite Anglican clergyman published his 319 8”,23 | is psyche, and the Latin anima), whether the origin of 320 8”,23 | rightly; but their accusation animadverts upon the Apostles themselves, 321 3 | and substantiality flesh animated by a rational soul, and 322 8”,23 | second time, just as did Anna the daughter of Phanuel, 323 8”,23 | matters of faitli has been annihilated, or reduced to a state of 324 Intro | Comnenus, wrote some concise annotations on the Synopsis which was 325 1”,4 | 5] But inasmuch as the annotators, namely, Zonaras and Balsamon, 326 8”,23 | prosmonarius was afraid to announce the vision to the Bishop; 327 3”,8 | Cypriotes Zeno and Evagrius, has announced an innovation, a thing which 328 2”,6 | statements, should dare either to annoy the emperor’s ears or to 329 2”,6 | but, instead of doing so, annoys the emperor, he shall no 330 Intro | decided in favor of a single annual session.60 It is clear that 331 7”,84 | insure the proof of it. In annulling this, the present Canon 332 8”,23 | occurrence of the unlawful anomaly of a person’s having been 333 8”,23 | 74), and some were called Anomoeans, because they said that 334 7”,63 | he is not prohibited from answering and teaching in private 335 8”,23 | definition of this Council is antagonistic to statues; 2) because neither 336 4”,29 | Tripolis, Orthosias, Areas, and Antarandus, and, deposing the bishops 337 Intro | we compare this and the ante-Nicene period, we see that all 338 8”,23 | again restored them with antencyclical letters, Justinian renewed 339 8”,23 | with the accent on the antepenult, which would signifyhaving 340 8”,23 | his concerning a man named Anthony, who was about to be made 341 8”,23 | two-horned Pope of Rome learn how antichristian an act he is doing by imprinting 342 8”,23 | if any previous council anticipating this sort of thing had prohibited 343 8”,23 | saint said above by way of anticipation that in historically recording 344 8”,23 | usually called, in Greek, antidora), but must be sure to give 345 7”,100| they nowadays receive the antidoron. But since some men, on 346 8”,23 | Greek, precisely as the word antimensium is derived from Greek and 347 8”,23 | any rate, there can be no antinomy and strife between erudite 348 8”,23 | Synod held in the city of Antisiodorus, in its c. XXXVI; and St. 349 8”,23 | after the sanctification an antitype of the Body and Blood of 350 7”,1 | foundation is continually growing apace and waxing more and more 351 8”,23 | up (cf. the Greek wordapalabon,” meaning “who has taken 352 5 | and Peter the Bishop of Apameia, and Zooras.[119] But this 353 8”,23 | the chamber and private apartment of women. It is also found 354 8”,23 | impassive, or, in Greek, apathes, on which account they styled 355 8”,23 | which account they styled Apathites, though John Damascene calls 356 7”,45 | the medium of menytae and apoctisiarii make any replies that are 357 8”,23 | during the weeks of the Apokreos (or Carnival) and of the 358 7”,94 | those called Tetradites and Apolinarists, we accept, when they give 359 8”,23 | great lengths in offering apologies in defense of certain bishops 360 8”,23 | their fast” (or, in Greek, “aponestizesthai”) is meant the eating of 361 1 | Penance to be imposed on apostates of the persecution of Licinius. ~ 362 7”,12 | any legislation laid down Apostolically, but having due regard for 363 8”,23 | because they renounced (Greek apotasso) their appetites and did 364 8”,6 | the value of it fourfold.~(App. c. XXXVII; c. V of the 365 Intro | in the way the critical apparatus is set out.73 The old Latin 366 1”,14 | By way of solving this apparent contradiction it may be 367 Intro | of Byzantine church law. Appealing to custom remains limited, 368 8”,23 | space, instead of merely appearing as such to the eye alone, 369 7”,74 | nature of begging God to be appeased for our sins. Whoever begs 370 8”,23 | Theologian. The descriptive appelation Capitolia was added to the 371 7”,53 | the multitude of obscene appellations, as though to avoid defiling 372 8”,23 | sanctioned this sweetest appellative of the Virgin, imparted 373 8”,16 | any differently colored appendages to the edges of their vestments. 374 4”,12 | the Bishop to whom they appertain. The rights, however, and 375 8”,23 | renounced (Greek apotasso) their appetites and did not eat anything 376 7”,16 | deacons and of clergymen apportioned to their requirements.[147]~ ~ ~ 377 4”,10 | him no longer receive any apportionment from the affairs of the 378 8”,23 | words, the Holy Spirit, that apportions to whomsoever He wills the 379 8”,23 | exceptionally and especially apposite discourse so did superlatively 380 Intro | nonetheless difficult to appreciate their importance because 381 Intro | baptism is particularily appreciated in that milieu.24~ For a 382 8”,23 | Creed an elucidation or approbation of the doctrine of the adoration 383 4”,17 | wrongly held by him and appropriates it as his own, not by virtue 384 8”,23 | Oecumenius, too, accepts and approves this kind of image which 385 2”,7 | genuine English; as a first approximation they may be taken as signifying 386 8”,23 | like fashion and with equal aptness St. Basil the Great, in 387 7”,95 | the face of your head.” Aquila, on the other hand, says: “ 388 7”,63 | the Lord (Acts 28:25), and Aquilas and Priscilla, who taught 389 8”,23 | the least. So prattling Aquinas is slandering, yes, slandering 390 8”,23 | when a Council was held in Aquisgrana, and therein John Monachus 391 8”,23 | afterwards to the oasis of Arabia with the co-operation of 392 8”,12 | especially real estate: such as arable fields, vineyards, olive 393 7”,50 | pantomimes, some of whom were Arabs mimicking gestures, while 394 Intro | To neglect these data and arbitrarily put elements together necessarily 395 8”,23 | martyrs are kept in the archbishopric; and whenever there is need 396 8”,23 | the Trallians states that Archdeacon Stephen performed a pure 397 1”,11 | diagram, or drawing, or architectural plan, of the church building; 398 8”,23 | baptized may be recorded in the archives of the catholic church, 399 8”,23 | shepherds), and the BishopsArchpastors” (or chief shepherds). Zonaras, 400 8 | Constantinople, Peter the Archpresbyter of Rome, and Peter, he too 401 Intro | Introduction.~In the area of church discipline, the 402 7”,39 | urging him forward into the arena, or rather indeed we might 403 8”,23 | was kept, see Eustratius Argenetes, page 284, and the Footnote 404 8”,23 | books. But the Westerners argue captiously that just as 405 7”,70 | was the best of them in argumentation, and would engage in what 406 7”,38 | John, by whom, if the need arises, the Bishop of the same 407 8”,23 | on account of the scandal arising therefrom. But Basil the 408 2”,7 | based upon the Greek word aristos, meaningbest,” though 409 8”,23 | corruption of the Greek word aristus, signifyingbest.” They 410 8”,23 | of mathematics, namely, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy, 411 8”,23 | mighty, and a power, and an arm of the Father, and the one 412 8”,23 | Letter No. 45), in writing to Armentarius, says that one party cannot 413 8”,23 | perfumes (which in Greek is aromata), others have the word edibles ( 414 8”,23 | Hence a double desire is aroused in men living with such 415 4”,26 | prevent the prelate from arousing any suspicion among the 416 7”,95 | touching, therefore, those who arrange and dress the hair of their 417 8”,23 | be warring with God, who arranges everything to the best advantage, 418 8”,23 | his lascivious acts was arrested by the king and one half 419 1 | going on previous to his arrival. Eusebius of Caesarea and 420 8”,23 | plain that all those who arrive at the point of being rasophores ( 421 8”,23 | that it is a great piece of arrogance for us to become judges 422 7”,1 | ground that he impudently and arrogantly opined the head of lordship 423 8”,23 | Theodoret (Conversation II), Artemon, and Theodosius, both Sabellius 424 7”,69 | utterance, and not merely articulate speech. In fact, women are 425 8”,23 | properly speaking, are those artisans who put up security or an 426 8”,23 | presanctified elements in the artophorion and to partake thereof with 427 8”,22 | ary need. Canon III of the lst-&- 428 Intro | Baling, later Bishop of St. Asaph (1704), this erudite Anglican 429 7”,81 | that by means of the human aspect we may be enabled to recall 430 2”,7 | in regard to particular aspects of the faith, and make them 431 4”,21 | not persons that have been aspersed and accused. See, in this 432 4”,17 | Synod, but by despotism and assault, he shall lose that laity, 433 7”,38 | both because of barbarian assaults and because they have been 434 8”,23 | Patriarch, to which Balsamon assented, yet we do not pay regard 435 8”,23 | too, states that thev are assessors to the Bishops (i.e., entitled 436 8”,23 | imagination of man’s intellect is assiduously inclined to evil things 437 8”,23 | stars whatever things gods assign to stars; and, speaking 438 8”,23 | oath has been scrutinized, assigns to the places of penitents, 439 8”,23 | with the other prelates assisting in the ceremony, or with 440 8”,23 | to anyone, nor comforting assurances, nor baptisms, nor unctions 441 1 | of Arius. St. Athanasius assures us that the activities of 442 8”,23 | land of the Persians and Assyrians, and in the vicinity of 443 8”,23 | how could it have been astonished at such an event as though 444 8”,23 | Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy, and who investigate their 445 8”,23 | reasons why they sought an asylum, and to divulge these to 446 4”,8 | belonging to poorhouses, orphan asylums, homes for the aged, hospitals, 447 8”,23 | concerning the Holy Spirit. St. Athana-sius also says: “Whosoever pays 448 7”,70 | the learned men among the Athenians used to fight with their 449 8”,23 | Athanasius, the monk in Athos, and devout Dunale the confessor 450 8”,23 | Constantinople in the Volume of the Atonement (or Catallage), ch. 19, 451 8”,16 | other regions); nor did they attach to the edges of their garments 452 8”,23 | the male. Being unable to attain their object, nor being 453 8”,23 | sins are done after the attainment of the age of discretion, 454 3”,8 | Pamphylia, a province in Attaleia. But after becoming engrossed 455 1 | and the opposing arguments attentively considered. The majority, 456 7”,74 | such psalmodies with much attentiveness and con-triteness to God, 457 8”,1 | holy orders in that they attest and reveal to them how they 458 7”,61 | woman to wear masculine attire for the sake of supposed 459 8”,23 | she painted her face, and attired her head, and peeped through 460 8”,23 | pretty, and in this way to attract men beholding them to their 461 8”,23 | his free will, is either attracted (or invited) or repelled ( 462 3 | unattainable or as having no attraction, we fall into the error 463 7”,95 | appearance and enhancing its attractiveness. On this account, indeed, 464 1 | To St. Athanasius may be attributed a preponderant influence 465 Intro | of the Antiochian Graeca auctoritas. The critical edition of 466 8”,23 | it to honor the name of Augustus Caesar, though it had formerly 467 8”,23 | donned the rason with the auspicious adjuvant of a blessing, 468 8”,23 | considered reliable and authenticated. But we ought to note here 469 8”,23 | modes of slavery) laws are authoritative to rule even the rulers 470 8”,23 | their dogmas with the same authoritativeness as the divine Scriptures.~ ~ [ 471 8”,23 | that without the written authorization of a real bishop chorepiscopi 472 8”,12 | not to civil rulers and autocrats, but to clergymen or farmers,[ 473 Intro | economyexcludes by nature an automatic application of analogy, 474 8”,23 | manner of living, for one to avail himself of God’s philanthropy 475 8”,23 | this point, but, instead, availed Himself of it to exhibit 476 8”,1 | those who are not of an avaricious disposition are content 477 8”,23 | Whence is the Creator? Avaunt, get thee away from me, 478 8”,23 | in office.” But if they aver that St. Gregory the Theologian 479 8”,23 | of this fact, it may be averred that, properly and truly 480 1”,3 | struggling against it are averse thereto.~ ~ ~ 481 7”,1 | of Jewish ungodliness and aversion to piety, and we dogmatize 482 8”,23 | have engendered constant aversions” (Discourse 15 on statues, 483 1 | observed for ordination, the avoidance of undue haste, the deposition 484 8”,23 | and St. Augustine, all avouch the same truth. But in addition 485 7”,42 | from carrying out their avowed aim. Canon XXV of Nicephorus, 486 8”,23 | speaking, of one that is avowedly heretical. For this had 487 8”,23 | from which they are to awake on the day of resurrection. 488 8”,23 | as Binius and Baronius babblingly assert.~ ~ [126] Not only 489 7”,64 | an ancient custom, it is babled, shall be abolished and 490 8”,23 | which were captured by the Babylonians and removed from the Temple 491 8”,9 | boyish whimwhams and mad bacchanalia, the false writings that 492 8”,9 | as the raving and insane bacchantes — those women who used to 493 7”,61 | peculiar, to Satyrs and Bacchi, who in honor of Dionysus 494 7”,75 | while living in the flesh, bade us not to make His Father’ 495 8”,23 | Dorotheus, that it served as a badge to identify the caloyers ( 496 8”,23 | provide themselves with fish bait or in order to pack tobacco 497 8”,23 | Oh, the villains! Oh, the baiters of God! Woe and alackaday 498 7”,78 | certain are wont to place a baked ring-cake on a square bed 499 Intro | Aristenos, Zonaras, and Bal-samon.80 For the anonymous scholia, 500 8”,23 | of them maintaining the balance; and thus in variety of

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