bold = Main text
  Book, Chapter          grey = Comment text

1    I,   1, p.    7    |    Such being the division, I met the first so far as I could
2  III           120(34)|       on 1 Cor. vi. p. 58. He met Origen (Vincent Lerin. Commonit.
3  III,   5, p.  131    |   some time or other they had met together, made a conspiracy
4  III,   7, p.  158    |      in private to those they met. If so, with what arguments
5 VIII, Int, p.   98    |     godly; with such, Justice met by the use of oracles and
6    X,   8, p.  233    | saying;  ~"And, behold, Jesus met them, that is to say, those
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