Book, Chapter

 1  III,   2, p.  116|    that liftest me up from the gates of death. 15. That I may
 2  III,   5, p.  139|       build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail
 3   IV,  10, p.  183|     all this He threw open the gates of heavenly life and of
 4   IV,  10, p.  184|        half-dead from the very gates of death, and to loose from
 5   IV,  12, p.  186|       and He burst the eternal gates of his dark realms, and
 6    V,  20, p.  264|        the deep?" and: "Do the gates of death open to thee for
 7   VI,   2, p.    4|      who also said: "Open your gates, ye rulers, and be ye lift
 8   VI,   7, p.    7|    gone before Him even to the gates of death, healed them and
 9   VI,   7, p.    7|   breaking what are called the gates of death, and crushing the
10   VI,  13, p.   15| descended from the Lord on the gates of Jerusalem, the noise
11  VII,   1, p.   51|       to heaven: "Lift up your gates, ye princes, and be lifted
12 VIII,   4, p.  145|     says, "O Libanus, open thy gates, and let fire devour thy
13   IX,  12, p.  177|        steps of the depth? The gates of (b) death did they open
14    X,   8, p.  227|       went down to shatter the gates of brass, and to break the
15    X,   8, p.  228|     since to Him only were the gates of death opened, Him only
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