Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library |
Iacobus de Voragine The Golden Legend IntraText CT - Frequency word list |
41961-20001 20000-10001 10000-5001 5000-2001 2000-1001 1000-501 500-201 200-101 100-51 50-21 20-15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
Frequency - Word Form 1000 may 984 body 981 saw 980 might 979 day 974 us 957 jesu 954 come 929 life 906 say 890 father 886 more 881 church 866 many 863 did 863 tofore 849 son 842 ne 842 took 830 go 827 saith 820 hath 815 well 810 good 802 because 754 right 742 like 737 first 736 what 710 these 707 again 700 also 700 an 697 place 693 blessed 691 heaven 683 three 682 death 679 two 672 without 668 brought 666 sent 654 things 652 how 644 heard 631 upon 622 called 610 put 609 make 609 where 605 been 593 against 588 world 580 such 573 commanded 572 city 553 see 550 emperor 547 hast 546 found 545 thus 545 you 542 will 541 bishop 535 mother 533 gave 531 yet 525 answered 523 here 522 faith 519 done 517 than 514 name 503 up |
41961-20001 20000-10001 10000-5001 5000-2001 2000-1001 1000-501 500-201 200-101 100-51 50-21 20-15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
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