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Iacobus de Voragine The Golden Legend IntraText CT - Frequency word list |
41961-20001 20000-10001 10000-5001 5000-2001 2000-1001 1000-501 500-201 200-101 100-51 50-21 20-15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
Frequency - Word Form 199 precious 199 receive 199 spirit 198 master 197 saint 196 country 196 feast 196 lay 196 servant 196 show 195 husband 195 sweet 195 temple 194 being 194 within 193 mass 191 cause 191 meat 190 converted 190 glorious 189 cried 189 each 189 own 188 believe 188 ready 188 sight 187 could 187 dread 187 thought 186 company 186 idols 186 leave 185 gold 184 sorrow 183 mine 183 wilt 180 mouth 180 why 179 servants 178 abbot 178 austin 178 find 178 jerusalem 178 law 177 baptized 177 very 176 above 175 v 175 works 174 slain 172 egypt 172 therein 172 thine 171 martyrdom 171 miracle 170 peace 170 truth 169 beasts 169 power 167 certain 167 mercy 167 passed 166 oft 165 torments 164 age 164 bread 164 slay 164 stone 163 healed 163 held 163 james 162 reason 161 abide 161 depart 161 through 159 fled 159 weeping 159 whereas 158 divers 158 lived 158 penance 157 devotion 157 monks 157 work 156 altar 156 desire 155 burning 155 hear 155 jews 153 order 151 suddenly 151 worship 150 gregory 150 realm 150 sister 149 side 148 live 147 knights 147 martyr 147 stones 146 desert 146 tree 145 devoutly 145 lineage 144 women 143 ambrose 143 eat 143 five 143 wept 142 thence 142 town 141 desired 141 ran 141 speak 140 borne 140 divine 140 preached 140 vision 139 bade 139 etc 139 multitude 138 bear 138 coming 138 joseph 137 amen 137 merits 137 spake 137 thousand 136 devils 136 greatly 136 manners 136 slew 136 understood 135 burnt 135 marvellous 135 written 134 hour 133 issued 133 whose 132 loved 131 disciples 131 drink 131 thomas 131 tormented 130 assembled 130 promised 130 true 129 better 129 fast 129 friends 129 home 129 living 129 supposed 128 maid 128 prince 128 tell 128 times 127 queen 127 secondly 127 virtues 126 knight 125 almighty 125 while 124 blind 124 counsel 124 fourth 124 return 124 turned 123 between 123 monk 123 nevertheless 123 sepulchre 123 ship 123 virgins 122 bed 122 england 122 gone 122 goods 121 bodies 121 pity 121 serve 120 bound 120 sith 119 abashed 119 jacob 119 thirdly 118 nature 117 descended 117 dwelled 117 hell 117 lost 117 rest 116 followed 115 battle 115 felt 115 morn 115 moved 115 new 114 offered 114 overcome 113 bishops 113 edward 113 france 113 gospel 113 resurrection 113 vi 113 worshipped 112 foul 112 opened 112 smitten 111 lo 111 martin 111 required 111 service 110 history 110 ii 109 nigh 109 riches 109 send 109 wicked 108 clare 108 knowledge 108 office 108 souls 107 abbey 107 accomplished 107 believed 107 hurt 107 taught 106 enter 106 number 106 space 106 thereto 106 wrote 105 answer 105 ascended 105 doubt 105 drew 105 paynims 105 save 105 sun 104 arise 104 bernard 104 call 104 clean 104 cut 104 iron 104 saul 104 seemed 104 six 104 vii 103 comforted 103 face 103 habit 103 pharaoh 103 ten 102 cry 102 marvelled 102 money 102 sheep 102 smote 102 sword 102 wine 101 alms 101 beauty 101 deliver 101 far 101 follow 101 francis 101 glad 101 hallowed 101 pit 101 tomb 101 wood |
41961-20001 20000-10001 10000-5001 5000-2001 2000-1001 1000-501 500-201 200-101 100-51 50-21 20-15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
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