those who do not do penance
However all those men and
women, who are not in penance, and do not receive the Body and Blood of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, and work vices and sins and who walk after wicked
concupiscence and after the wicked desires of their flesh, and who do not
observe, what they have promised the Lord,and are slaves to the world in
their bodies by carnal desires and by the anxieties of the world and by the
cares of this life: (these) ones held back by the devil, whose sons they are
and whose works they do (cf. Jn 8:41), are blind, since they do not see the
True Light Our Lord Jesus Christ.
They do not have spiritual wisdom, since they do not have the Son of God who is
the True Wisdom of the Father, concerning whom it is said: "Accursed are
those who turn away from Thy commands" (Ps. 118:21). They see and do not
understand, they know and work wicked things and they themselves knowingly
loose their souls. See, blind ones, deceived by your enemies: by the flesh, the
world, and the devil; since it is sweet to the body to work sin and bitter to
work to serve God; since all vices and sins come forth and proceed from the
heart of man, just as the Lord says in the Gospel (cf. Mk 7:21). And you will
have nothing in this age nor in the one to come. And you think you will posses
the vanities of this age for a long time, but you are deceived, since there
will come the day and hour, of which you do not think, know or pay attention;
the body weakens, death approaches and so one dies a bitter death. And
wheresoever, whensoever, howsoever a man dies in culpable sin without penance
and satisfaction, if he can make satisfaction and does not, the devil tears his
soul from his body with such anguish and tribulation, that no one can know it,
except him who experiences it. And all talents and power and knowledge and
wisdom (2 Chron 1:12), which they thought they had, and he bears it away from
them (cf. Lk 8:18; Mk 4:25). And they forsake neighbors and friends and these
bear off and divide his substance, having said: "Cursed be his soul, since
he could have given us more and acquired what he did not acquire." Worms
eat their body, and so they perish body and soul in this short age and they
will go into Hell, where they will be tortured without end. All those to whom
these letters might have come, we beg in the Love which God is (cf. 1 Jn 4:16),
that they receive kindly those abovesaid sweet-smelling words of Our Lord Jesus
Christ with divine love. And (for) those who do not know how to read, let them
have them read often; and let them keep (these letters) for themselves with
holy work even to the end, since these are spirit and life (Jn 6:64). And he
who would not do this, will be held accountable on the day of judgement (cf. Mt
12:36) before the tribunal of Our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Rm 14:10).