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Codex Iuris Canonici

IntraText CT - Frequency word list

200-101  =  43 words (5687 occurrences)
2139-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Frequency - Word Form
 179 loci
 177 causa
 175 ecclesia
 170 episcoporum
 169 debet
 167 episcopo
 166 possunt
 161 tamen
 154 cann
 151 ius
 150 episcopi
 147 iudex
 147 se
 146 ne
 143 qua
 140 autem
 140 sint
 139 4
 135 caput
 135 vitae
 134 instituti
 128 necnon
 127 id
 125 aliud
 116 eius
 115 dioecesano
 115 saltem
 114 ac
 114 intra
 114 tantum
 112 eadem
 112 vero
 111 auctoritate
 110 fuerit
 109 ipso
 109 legitime
 108 dioecesanus
 107 apostolicae
 105 dioecesani
 105 quam
 103 inter
 102 omnes
 101 sibi

200-101  =  43 words (5687 occurrences)
2139-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

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