Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
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IntraText CT - Statistics

Overview - By frequency - By first letter - By last letter - By length

  • Occurrences: 15991
  • Words (tokens): 3958
  • Occ./Words: 4,04
  • Occurrences of function words: 6665
  • Function words: 309
  • Average occurrence length: 5,18
  • Average word length: 7,22

Occurrence distribution by frequency groups

12323 ==============================================
21206 ========================
3825 ================
4680 ==============
5495 ==========
6504 ==========
7406 ========
8312 =======
9279 ======
10410 ========
11286 ======
12300 ======
13338 =======
14168 ====
20-15629 =============
50-212219 ===========================================
100-511352 ===========================
200-1011428 ============================
500-2011064 =====================
767-501767 ===============

Word (token) distribution by frequency

12323 ==============================================
2603 ============
3275 ======
4170 ====
599 ==
684 ==
758 ==
839 =
931 =
1041 =
1126 =
1225 =
1326 =
1412 =
20-1537 =
50-2173 ==
100-5120 =
200-10111 =
500-2014 =
767-5011 =

Alphabetical occurrence distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)235 ======
A1408 ===================================
B73 ==
C1105 ===========================
D1171 =============================
E1858 ==============================================
F518 =============
G117 ===
H392 ==========
I1508 =====================================
L226 ======
M1018 =========================
N500 =============
O351 =========
P1267 ===============================
Q904 ======================
R383 ==========
S1245 ===============================
T664 =================
U316 ========
V705 ==================
X25 =
Z2 =

Alphabetical word (token) distribution (by first letter)

(0-9)63 =======
A304 ===============================
B34 ====
C401 ========================================
D296 ==============================
E162 ================
F180 ==================
G62 =======
H76 ========
I310 ===============================
L124 =============
M232 =======================
N126 =============
O121 ============
P456 ==============================================
Q81 ========
R160 ================
S346 ===================================
T145 ===============
U40 ====
V220 ======================
X17 ==
Z2 =

Occurrence distribution by last letter

(0-9)235 ====
A1092 =================
B56 =
C303 =====
D587 =========
E1934 =============================
I1209 ==================
L32 =
M2668 ========================================
N538 ========
O1206 ==================
R615 ==========
S2231 ==================================
T3031 ==============================================
U116 ==
V6 =
X132 ==

Word (token) distribution by last letter

(0-9)63 ====
A289 ================
B3 =
C20 ==
D12 =
E488 ==========================
I346 ===================
L7 =
M668 ====================================
N11 =
O293 ================
R184 ==========
S858 ==============================================
T656 ===================================
U37 ==
V6 =
X17 =

Occurrence distribution by length

1270 =====
22459 ==============================================
32225 =========================================
42390 ============================================
52030 ======================================
61895 ===================================
71538 =============================
81340 =========================
9901 =================
10447 =========
11291 ======
12135 ===
1347 =
1417 =
155 =
161 =

Word (token) distribution by length

161 =
155 =
1413 =
1335 ===
1298 =======
11189 ==============
10294 =====================
9494 ===================================
8653 ==============================================
7628 ============================================
6619 ===========================================
5478 =================================
4248 ==================
3102 ========
286 ======
115 ==

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