Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
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IntraText CT - Statistics

Overview - By frequency - By first letter - By last letter - By length

  • Occurrences: 653
  • Words (tokens): 279
  • Occ./Words: 2,34
  • Occurrences of function words: 177
  • Function words: 45
  • Average occurrence length: 5,71
  • Average word length: 6,42

Occurrence distribution by frequency groups

1137 =====================================
2170 ==============================================
360 ================
432 =========
515 ====
648 =============
864 =================
945 ============
1010 ===
1313 ====
20-1531 =========
28-2128 ========

Word (token) distribution by frequency

1137 ==============================================
285 ============================
320 =======
48 ===
53 =
68 ===
88 ===
95 ==
101 =
131 =
20-152 =
28-211 =

Alphabetical occurrence distribution (by first letter)

A37 =====================
B11 =======
C50 =============================
D32 ===================
E60 ==================================
F34 ====================
G2 ==
H13 ========
I44 =========================
L8 =====
M30 =================
N71 ========================================
O4 ===
P30 =================
Q47 ===========================
R14 ========
S80 ==============================================
T9 ======
U35 ====================
V41 ========================
X1 =

Alphabetical word (token) distribution (by first letter)

A24 ===================================
B9 ==============
C30 ============================================
D16 ========================
E23 ==================================
F15 ======================
G2 ===
H9 ==============
I15 ======================
L4 ======
M13 ===================
N16 ========================
O3 =====
P18 ===========================
Q14 =====================
R5 ========
S31 ==============================================
T7 ===========
U10 ===============
V14 =====================
X1 ==

Occurrence distribution by last letter

A43 ================
C7 ===
D22 ========
E126 ==============================================
I72 ==========================
L5 ==
M111 ========================================
N13 =====
O9 ====
Q2 =
R25 =========
S126 ==============================================
T88 ================================
U2 =
V1 =
X1 =

Word (token) distribution by last letter

A13 ==========
C5 ====
D13 ==========
E43 =================================
I36 ============================
L3 ===
M47 ====================================
N1 =
O8 ======
Q1 =
R9 =======
S60 ==============================================
T37 ============================
U1 =
V1 =
X1 =

Occurrence distribution by length

110 =====
264 ===========================
366 ============================
488 =====================================
5110 ==============================================
674 ===============================
767 ============================
882 ==================================
941 =================
1022 ==========
1119 ========
128 ====
132 =

Word (token) distribution by length

132 ===
126 =======
1110 ============
1013 ===============
928 ================================
839 ============================================
740 ==============================================
635 ========================================
539 ============================================
427 ===============================
323 ==========================
210 ============
17 ========

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