Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library
Alphabetical    [«  »]
valentem 15
valenti 7
valentini 2
valentino 2
valentinum 2
valentinus 4
valentior 1
Frequency    [«  »]
2 vagabantur
2 valebant
2 valentini
2 valentino
2 valentinum
2 valerent
2 valescere
Cornelius Tacitus
Opera omnia

IntraText - Concordances


  Lib. Cap.
1 4, 68| instinctore belli Iulio Valentino. is meditata oratione cuncta 2 4, 70| Vespasiani adigunt. haec Valentino absente gesta; qui ubi adventabat

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