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Alphabetical    [«  »]
bonum 10
bonus 9
boreas 1
bos 24
botro 1
botrus 2
bove 3
Frequency    [«  »]
26 per
26 semper
25 mala
24 bos
24 quae
24 quid
23 ab
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus

IntraText - Concordances


   Pars,  Cap., N.
1 1, 1, 47| 47. Bos lassus fortius figit pedem~ 2 1, 6, 71| 71. Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus~ 3 1, 7, 18| 18. Bos in lingua~ 4 1, 10, 62| 62. Bos alienus subinde foras prospectat~ 5 1, 10, 63| 63. Septimus bos~ 6 1, 10, 95| 95. Bos Cyprius~ 7 2, 1, 3 | 3. Placide bos~ 8 2, 1, 39| 39. Bos ad praesepe~ 9 2, 5, 78| 78. Bos adversus se ipsum pulverem 10 2, 6, 74| 74. Bos sub iugum~ 11 2, 8, 62| 62. Locrensis bos~ 12 2, 9, 16| 16. Senex bos non lugetur~ 13 2, 9, 84| 84. Non nostrum onus, bos clitellas?~ 14 3, 1, 46| 46. Ne si bos quidem vocem edat~ 15 3, 2, 52| 52. Bos Homolottorum~ 16 3, 2, 53| 53. Bos apud acervum~ 17 3, 4, 16| 16. Bos in civitate~ 18 3, 4, 22| 22. Senescit bos~ 19 3, 4, 80| 80. Exspecta bos aliquando herbam~ 20 4, 2, 59| 59. Bos porrecto ultra Taygeton 21 4, 5, 1 | 1. Ne bos quiem pereat~ 22 4, 6, 90| 90. Bos marinus~ 23 4, 6, 91| 91. Bos in stabulo~ 24 4, 6, 93| 93. Bos in quadra argentea~

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