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Alphabetical    [«  »]
mordent 1
mordere 4
mordicus 2
more 17
morem 5
mores 7
mori 2
Frequency    [«  »]
17 c
17 manum
17 mihi
17 more
16 alia
16 caput
16 ipse
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus

IntraText - Concordances


   Pars,  Cap., N.
1 1, 2, 58| 58. Mandrabuli more res succedit~ 2 1, 6, 45| 45. Bacchae more~ 3 2, 10, 37| 37. Lydio more~ 4 3, 2, 20| 20. Claudi more tenere pilam~ 5 3, 2, 47| 47. Budoro more~ 6 3, 5, 12| 12. Thynni more~ 7 3, 5, 30| 30. Nutricum more male~ 8 3, 6, 80| 80. Ego faciam omnia more Nicostrati~ 9 4, 6, 13| 13. Teuthidum more~ 10 4, 6, 77| 77. More Carico~ 11 4, 8, 24| 24. Myconiorum more~ 12 4, 8, 40| 40. Cyclopum more~ 13 4, 8, 43| 43. Aristylli more~ 14 4, 8, 75| 75. Domi pugnans more galli~ 15 4, 9, 13| 13. More Romano~ 16 5, 1, 55| 55. Praeficarum more~ 17 5, 2, 38| 38. Latini tibicinis more~

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