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Alphabetical    [«  »]
samidhane 5
samidhano 7
samidhastisra 1
samidhe 6
samidhimahi 3
samidhire 2
samidho 1
Frequency    [«  »]
6 sami
6 samidhana
6 samidhanamimahe
6 samidhe
6 samidhyase
6 samit
6 samral

Rig Veda (Sanskrit)

IntraText - Concordances


  Book, Hymn
1 1, 113| bodhayantI ~uSo yadagniM samidhe cakartha vi yadAvashcakSasA 2 3, 5 | mAtarishvA guhA santaM havyavAhaM samIdhe ~iLAmagne ... ~ ~ 3 6, 17 | purandaram ~tamu tvA pAthyo vRSA samIdhe dasyuhantamam ~dhanaMjayaM 4 7, 77 | prasuvantI carAyai ~abhUdagniH samidhe mAnuSANAmakarjyotirbAdhamAnA 5 10, 69 | manuryadanIkaM sumitraH samIdhe agne tadidaMnavIyaH ~sa 6 10, 69 | pUrvamILito vadhryashvaH samIdhe agne sa idaMjuSasva ~sa

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