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Alphabetical    [«  »]
badbadhanam 2
badbadhanasya 1
badbadhano 1
badbadhe 3
baddhah 1
baddham 1
baddhamivadite 2
Frequency    [«  »]
3 babhravah
3 babhro
3 babhru
3 badbadhe
3 baddho
3 badhase
3 badhe

Rig Veda (Sanskrit)

IntraText - Concordances


  Book, Hymn
1 1, 80| ahimindrajighAMsato divi te badbadhe shavo.arcann... ~abhiSTane 2 1, 81| A paprau pArthivaM rajo badbadhe rocanA divi ~na tvAvAnindra 3 7, 61| varuNasya dhAma shuSmo rodasI badbadhe mahitvA ~ayan mAsA ayajvanAmavIrAH

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