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Rig Veda (Sanskrit)

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  • Book 9
    • HYMN 41
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pra ye gAvo na bhUrNayastveSA ayAso akramuH
ghnantaH kRSNAmapa tvacam
suvitasya manAmahe.ati setuM durAvyam
sAhvAMso dasyumavratam
shRNve vRSTeriva svanaH pavamAnasya shuSmiNaH
carantividyuto divi
A pavasva mahImiSaM gomadindo hiraNyavat
ashvAvad vAjavat sutaH
sa pavasva vicarSaNa A mahI rodasI pRNa
uSAH sUryo na rashmibhiH
pari NaH sharmayantyA dhArayA soma vishvataH
sarA raseva viSTapam


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