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sacred 10
sacri 1
sacrifce 2
sacrifice 1361
sacrificed 69
sacrificer 380
sacrificers 33
Frequency    [«  »]
1384 o
1366 agni
1361 on
1361 sacrifice
1251 who
1245 i
1175 be

Yajur Veda

IntraText - Concordances


1-500 | 501-1000 | 1001-1361

     Kanda, Prapathaka, Paragraph
1 1, 1, 3 | for the divine rite, the sacrifice to the gods.~b Thou art 2 1, 1, 5 | purify, forward lead~this sacrifice, place in front the lord 3 1, 1, 5 | in front the lord of the sacrifice.~c You Indra chose for the 4 1, 1, 5 | the divine rite, for the sacrifice to the gods.~g The Raksas 5 1, 1, 8 | wide, let the lord of the sacrifice be extended wide.~k Grasp 6 1, 1, 9 | edge.~d O earth whereon sacrifice is offered to the gods, 7 1, 1, 9 | the earth, the place of sacrifice.~k Go to the fold [1] where 8 1, 1, 9 | use to guide them in the sacrifice.~ 9 1, 1, 10| Be thou (good) for every sacrifice, for the gods, for every 10 1, 1, 10| in the shining, for every sacrifice, for the gods, for every 11 1, 1, 10| the resplendence for every sacrifice, for the gods, for every 12 1, 1, 11| That dost invite to the sacrifice, the radiant one,~O Agni, 13 1, 1, 11| thee that art mighty at the sacrifice.~o Ye two are the props 14 1, 1, 11| O Visnu.~t Protect the sacrifice, protect the lord of the 15 1, 1, 11| protect the lord of the sacrifice, protect me that conduct 16 1, 1, 11| protect me that conduct the sacrifice.~ 17 1, 1, 12| Agni summons thee for the sacrifice to the gods.~d O upabhrt, 18 1, 1, 12| Savitr summons thee for the sacrifice~to the gods.~e O Agni and 19 1, 1, 12| sky, imperishable.~1 The sacrifice of the lord of the sacrifice 20 1, 1, 12| sacrifice of the lord of the sacrifice is undisturbed.~m Offered 21 1, 1, 13| bondage, guard from error in sacrifice, guard from evil food, guard 22 1, 1, 13| v O lord of mind, this sacrifice for us place among the gods, 23 1, 1, 14| power to do;~Let wise Agni sacrifice [3], let him be Hotr~Let 24 1, 2 | PRAPATHAKA II The Soma Sacrifice~ 25 1, 2, 1 | have true ordinances at the sacrifice~What O gods ye can assent 26 1, 2, 2 | until the completion of this sacrifice.~e O god,Varuna, do thou 27 1, 2, 2 | until the completion (of the sacrifice).~n Hail! with my mind the 28 1, 2, 2 | n Hail! with my mind the sacrifice (I grasp); hail! from heaven 29 1, 2, 2 | hail! from the wind the sacrifice I grasp.~ 30 1, 2, 3 | glory, and carrieth the sacrifice.~May it guide us safely 31 1, 2, 3 | to the place on earth for sacrifice to the gods,~Wherein aforetime 32 1, 2, 4 | art nectar, thou art the sacrifice for all the gods.~e I have 33 1, 2, 4 | priests) [1], thou art of the sacrifice, thou art of kingly power, 34 1, 2, 5 | the earth, on the place of sacrifice,~on the abode of the offering, 35 1, 2, 10| May they all envelop the sacrifice!~Giver of wealth, impeller, 36 1, 2, 12| wide; let the lord of the sacrifice extend wide for thee.~g 37 1, 2, 13| offering; bring upward the sacrifice; do not falter; there rest 38 1, 3, 4 | years) of the lord of the sacrifice.~e Soma goeth, who knoweth 39 1, 3, 5 | that art of Visnu, for the sacrifice to the gods.~d Let the god 40 1, 3, 7 | spotless.~o Harm not the sacrifice nor the lord of the sacrifice, 41 1, 3, 7 | sacrifice nor the lord of the sacrifice, O all-knowing;~be ye two 42 1, 3, 8 | sacrificial, the lord of the sacrifice with his prayer.~h Anointed 43 1, 3, 8 | resort to the lord of the sacrifice.~k O broad atmosphere, in 44 1, 3, 8 | unison with the god [1] wind, sacrifice with the life of this offering; 45 1, 3, 8 | extending more broadly, make the sacrifice of the lord of the sacrifice 46 1, 3, 8 | sacrifice of the lord of the sacrifice most successful.~l Guard 47 1, 3, 11| to Soma, hail! Go to the sacrifice, hail! Go to the metes, 48 1, 3, 12| in oblation is the divine sacrifice,~Rich in oblation he seeks 49 1, 3, 12| d Be watchful over the sacrifice.~ 50 1, 3, 13| thee!~b Raise aloft the sacrifice; in the sky guide to the 51 1, 3, 13| pressing stones, to the sacrifice of me the wise one,~Let 52 1, 3, 14| thyself.~b Rudra, king of the sacrifice,~True offerer, priest of 53 1, 3, 14| d Good hath he made our sacrifice this day;~The hidden tongue 54 1, 3, 14| The hidden tongue of the sacrifice have we found~He hath come, 55 1, 3, 14| in life;~He hath made our sacrifice this day to prosper.~e Agni 56 1, 3, 14| Bring hither the gods and sacrifice.~aa Do thou, O shining and 57 1, 3, 14| bring hither the gods~To our sacrifice and our oblation.~bb Agni, 58 1, 4, 1 | the stone which maketh the sacrifice for the gods; make this 59 1, 4, 1 | for the gods; make this sacrifice deep, with thy highest edge, ( 60 1, 4, 1 | O goddesses, place this sacrifice among the gods~Do ye, invoked, 61 1, 4, 2 | guard wealth, win food by sacrifice, I place within thee sky 62 1, 4, 5 | Açvins,~With that touch the sacrifice.~b Thou art taken with a 63 1, 4, 9 | good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the 64 1, 4, 9 | quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let 65 1, 4, 10| good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the 66 1, 4, 10| quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let 67 1, 4, 17| The singers skilled in sacrifice are fain to serve. ~b Thou 68 1, 4, 27| for whom the formula of sacrifice is uttered, the song sung, 69 1, 4, 37| praises of the Rsis and the sacrifice of men.~b Thou art taken 70 1, 4, 42| prosperity by the path of the sacrifice.~k May I win a Brahman to-day, 71 1, 4, 43| kindness of the gods to whom sacrifice is made.~c With glory, with 72 1, 4, 43| choose thee~As Hotr as our sacrifice proceeded,~Prosperously 73 1, 4, 43| and foreseeing one to the sacrifice.~e With Hail! to you, O 74 1, 4, 43| do ye mount the sky.~g O sacrifice, go to the sacrifice; go 75 1, 4, 43| g O sacrifice, go to the sacrifice; go to the lord of the sacrifice; 76 1, 4, 43| sacrifice; go to the lord of the sacrifice; go to thine own birthplace; 77 1, 4, 43| birthplace; hail!~h This is thy sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, 78 1, 4, 43| sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, with its utterance of hymns 79 1, 4, 43| lord of mind, place this sacrifice, O god, for us among the 80 1, 4, 44| With the offerings of the sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice,~ 81 1, 4, 44| sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice,~Let us worship at the utterance 82 1, 4, 44| flood; thou hast removed by sacrifice the sin committed by the 83 1, 5, 1 | offspring and cattle of the sacrifice. Having removed it, one 84 1, 5, 2 | the fire casts away the sacrifice and cattle. The sacrificial 85 1, 5, 2 | offered on five potsherds; the sacrifice is fivefold, cattle are 86 1, 5, 2 | fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice and cattle. Now he who removes 87 1, 5, 2 | in the Pankti metre; the sacrifice is fivefold, man is fivefold; 88 1, 5, 2 | for the prosperity of the sacrifice. The sacrificial fee is 89 1, 5, 3 | be unite this scattered sacrifice;~May Brhaspati extend it;~ 90 1, 5, 3 | Seven priesthoods sevenfold sacrifice to thee;~Seven birthplaces 91 1, 5, 4 | deities [2] he unites him. The sacrifice of him who removes the fire 92 1, 5, 4 | Brahman) he unites the sacrifice. 'May he unite this scattered 93 1, 5, 4 | he unite this scattered sacrifice', he says, for continuity, ' 94 1, 5, 4 | says; verily continuing the sacrifice he points it out to the 95 1, 5, 5 | 5.~a As we approach the sacrifice,~Let us utter a hymn to 96 1, 5, 5 | Bring hither the gods and sacrifice.~k Do thou, O shining and 97 1, 5, 5 | bring hither the gods~To our sacrifice and our oblation.~l Agni, 98 1, 5, 7 | i. 5. 7.~There is no sacrifice without a Saman. 'As we 99 1, 5, 7 | Saman. 'As we approach the sacrifice', he says; verily he yokes 100 1, 5, 10| May he unite the scattered sacrifice;~The offerings at dawn and 101 1, 5, 10| hither;~The gods worthy of sacrifice whom we invoke,~Let these 102 1, 5, 10| enclosing-sticks~Attend the life of the sacrifice.~n The three and thirty 103 1, 5, 10| maintain in security the sacrifice,~Of these the broken one 104 1, 6, 2 | Whatever, O Agni, in this sacrifice of mine may be spoiled [ 105 1, 6, 2 | they two delight me.~q By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, 106 1, 6, 2 | possessed of sight.~r By sacrifice to the god Agni, may I be 107 1, 6, 2 | may I deceive N. N.~t By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, 108 1, 6, 2 | be a slayer of foes.~u By sacrifice to the gods, Indra and Agni, 109 1, 6, 2 | and an eater of food.~v By sacrifice to the god Indra, may I 110 1, 6, 2 | may I be powerful.~w By sacrifice tothe god Mahendra, may 111 1, 6, 2 | superiority and greatness.~x By sacrifice to the god Agni Svistakrt, 112 1, 6, 2 | attain security through the sacrifice, enjoying long life.~ 113 1, 6, 3 | Agni protect me from evil sacrifice, Savitr from evil report.~ 114 1, 6, 3 | strength for this.~k May the sacrifice mount the sky, may the sacrifice 115 1, 6, 3 | sacrifice mount the sky, may the sacrifice reach the sky.~l The path 116 1, 6, 3 | the gods, along it may the sacrifice go to the gods.~m On us 117 1, 6, 3 | Mind, light, rejoice in the sacrifice~May he unite this scattered 118 1, 6, 3 | he unite this scattered sacrifice;~May Brhaspati extend this 119 1, 6, 4 | i. 6. 4.~a By sacrifice to the divine straw, may 120 1, 6, 4 | possessed of children.~b By sacrifice to the god Naraçansa, may 121 1, 6, 4 | possessed of cattle.~c By sacrifice to the god Agni Svistakrt, 122 1, 6, 4 | attain security through the sacrifice, having long life.~d May 123 1, 6, 4 | sharers among the gods.~r By sacrifice to the god Visnu, by the 124 1, 6, 4 | to the god Visnu, by the sacrifice, may I attain health and 125 1, 6, 4 | wealth, and security.~s By sacrifice to the god Soma [3], possessing 126 1, 6, 4 | I impregnate seed.~t By sacrifice to the god Tvastr, may I 127 1, 6, 4 | house, are the pair of the sacrifice; by sacrifice to these deities, 128 1, 6, 4 | pair of the sacrifice; by sacrifice to these deities, may I 129 1, 6, 5 | swell with ghee,~For each sacrifice for the worshippers;~In 130 1, 6, 5 | streamed be the earth at this sacrifice.~b Prajapati's is the world 131 1, 6, 5 | bright; in the zenith may the sacrifice, the year, the lord of the 132 1, 6, 5 | the year, the lord of the sacrifice make (me) bright.~e Thou 133 1, 6, 6 | may I shine.~k Be rich the sacrifice; may I be rich.~1 O Agni, 134 1, 6, 6 | accomplished by me.~q The sacrifice hath become, it hath [3] 135 1, 6, 6 | Agni, in horses, is the sacrifice,~With manly companions, 136 1, 6, 7 | together in competition. Whose sacrifice then do the gods approach 137 1, 6, 7 | dwelling. With him, when sacrifice is to be made on the next 138 1, 6, 8 | i. 6. 8.~He who offers sacrifice without faith, they place 139 1, 6, 8 | they place not faith in his sacrifice. He brings waters forward, 140 1, 6, 8 | verily with faith he offers sacrifice, and both gods and men place 141 1, 6, 8 | and men place faith in his sacrifice. They say, 'They foam over 142 1, 6, 8 | brings them forward. The sacrifice of him who knows thus does 143 1, 6, 8 | collects the weapons of the sacrifice; the weapons of the sacrifice 144 1, 6, 8 | sacrifice; the weapons of the sacrifice are the sacrifice; verily 145 1, 6, 8 | of the sacrifice are the sacrifice; verily he collects the 146 1, 6, 8 | verily he collects the sacrifice. If he were to collect them 147 1, 6, 8 | knows the ten weapons of the sacrifice, his sacrifice is in order 148 1, 6, 8 | weapons of the sacrifice, his sacrifice is in order at the beginning. 149 1, 6, 8 | are the ten weapons of the sacrifice; the sacrifice of him who 150 1, 6, 8 | weapons of the sacrifice; the sacrifice of him who knows thus is 151 1, 6, 8 | sacrifices after announcing the sacrifice to the gods, they delight 152 1, 6, 8 | gods, they delight in his sacrifice. He should as the oblation 153 1, 6, 8 | Thus he announces the sacrifice to the gods and sacrifices, 154 1, 6, 8 | the gods delight in his sacrifice. This is the taking of the 155 1, 6, 8 | This is the taking of the sacrifice and so after taking the 156 1, 6, 8 | and so after taking the sacrifice he sacrifices. After speaking 157 1, 6, 8 | remains silent, to support the sacrifice. Now Prajapati performed 158 1, 6, 8 | Prajapati performed the sacrifice with mind; verily he performs 159 1, 6, 8 | verily he performs the sacrifice with mind to prevent the 160 1, 6, 8 | following. He who yokes the sacrifice when the yoking (time) arrives 161 1, 6, 9 | Agnistoma, the full moon sacrifice, the Ukthya, the new moon 162 1, 6, 9 | the Ukthya, the new moon sacrifice and the Atiratra. These 163 1, 6, 9 | Ukthya that of the full moon sacrifice, the Atiratra that of the 164 1, 6, 9 | Atiratra that of the new moon sacrifice. He who knowing thus offers 165 1, 6, 9 | thus offers the full moon sacrifice obtains as much as by offering 166 1, 6, 9 | thus offers the new moon sacrifice obtains as much as by offering 167 1, 6, 9 | offering the Atiratra. This sacrifice was in the beginning Paramesthin' 168 1, 6, 10| the prosperous part of the sacrifice the gods went to the world 169 1, 6, 10| Whatever, O Agni, in this sacrifice of mine may be spoiled', 170 1, 6, 10| the prosperous part of the sacrifice the sacrificer goes to the 171 1, 6, 10| is the beginning of the sacrifice, these Vyahrtis are the 172 1, 6, 10| at the beginning of the sacrifice he makes the Brahman [2]. 173 1, 6, 10| are the beginning of the sacrifice, these Vyahrtis are the 174 1, 6, 10| at the beginning of the sacrifice he makes the Brahman. When 175 1, 6, 10| blessing of the part of the sacrifice which is performed with 176 1, 6, 10| May the blessing of his sacrifice fall to his foe', he should 177 1, 6, 10| verily the blessing of his sacrifice falls to his foe [4]. If 178 1, 6, 10| May the blessing of the sacrifice fall to them equally', he 179 1, 6, 10| thus the blessing of the sacrifice falls to them equally. Even 180 1, 6, 10| rains down good rain, so the sacrifice rains for the sacrificer; 181 1, 6, 10| sacrificer surrounds the sacrifice with a blessing. 'Thou art 182 1, 6, 10| derived from Prajapati, the sacrifice is derived from Prajapati; 183 1, 6, 10| upon himself mind and the sacrifice. 'Thou art speech, derived 184 1, 6, 11| Prajapati as connected with the sacrifice rests secure through the 185 1, 6, 11| rests secure through the sacrifice, and falls not away from 186 1, 6, 11| falls not away from the sacrifice. 'Do thou proclaim' has 187 1, 6, 11| Prajapati as connected with the sacrifice; he who knows thus rests 188 1, 6, 11| rests secure through the sacrifice and does not fall away from 189 1, 6, 11| does not fall away from the sacrifice. He who knows the beginning, 190 1, 6, 11| support, the end of the sacrifice [1] reaches the end with 191 1, 6, 11| with a secure and uninjured sacrifice. 'Do thou proclaim'; 'Be 192 1, 6, 11| support, the end of the sacrifice; he who knows thus reaches 193 1, 6, 11| with a secure and uninjured sacrifice. He who knows the milking 194 1, 6, 11| The generous one is the sacrifice; (with the words) 'Do thou 195 1, 6, 11| lightning; with 'We that do sacrifice' they made rain to fall, 196 1, 6, 11| him who knows thus. 'By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, 197 1, 6, 11| of sight', he says; the sacrifice is possessed of sight through 198 1, 6, 11| sight upon himself. 'By sacrifice to the god Agni, may I be 199 1, 6, 11| he deceives his foe. 'By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, 200 1, 6, 11| he lays low his foe. 'By sacrifice to the gods, Indra and Agni, 201 1, 6, 11| and an eater of food. 'By sacrifice to the god Indra, may I 202 1, 6, 11| he becomes powerful. 'By sacrifice to the god Mahendra, may 203 1, 6, 11| superiority and greatness. 'By sacrifice to the god Agni Svistakrt, 204 1, 6, 11| attain security through the sacrifice, enjoying long life', he 205 1, 6, 11| attains security through the sacrifice.~ 206 1, 6, 12| thou that art worthy of sacrifice~In the overcoming of man, 207 1, 7, 1 | placed in the world of the sacrifice between the fore- and the 208 1, 7, 1 | cattle. The gods milked the sacrifice, the sacrifice milked the 209 1, 7, 1 | milked the sacrifice, the sacrifice milked the Asuras; the Asuras, 210 1, 7, 1 | Asuras, being milked by the sacrifice, were defeated; he, who 211 1, 7, 1 | knowing the milking of the sacrifice [1] sacrifices, milks another 212 1, 7, 1 | May the blessing of this sacrifice be fulfilled for me', he 213 1, 7, 1 | this is the milking of the sacrifice; verily with it he milks 214 1, 7, 1 | the mother. By the whole sacrifice the gods went to the world 215 1, 7, 1 | it were a breach in the sacrifice; half they eat [4], half 216 1, 7, 1 | wipe; in this regard the sacrifice of the Asuras was broken; 217 1, 7, 1 | Brahman) he unites the sacrifice. 'May he unite this scattered 218 1, 7, 1 | he unite this scattered sacrifice', he says, for continuity. ' 219 1, 7, 1 | says; verily continuing the sacrifice he indicates it to the gods. 220 1, 7, 1 | fee which he gives at the sacrifice his cattle accompany; he 221 1, 7, 1 | says; the ruddy one is the sacrifice; verily he magnifies the 222 1, 7, 1 | verily he magnifies the sacrifice; thus he places among the 223 1, 7, 2 | She who is given in the sacrifice supports the gods with her 224 1, 7, 3 | he thus offers to them in sacrifice; in that he brings the Anvaharya 225 1, 7, 3 | he mends the rent in the sacrifice; whatever in the sacrifice 226 1, 7, 3 | sacrifice; whatever in the sacrifice is harsh or is injured, 227 1, 7, 3 | Prajapati distributed the sacrifice to the gods; he reflected 228 1, 7, 3 | Whatever the gods did in the sacrifice, the Asuras did; the gods 229 1, 7, 3 | foe is defeated. By the sacrifice there is offering, by the 230 1, 7, 3 | Anvaharya, accomplishes at once sacrifice and satisfaction. 'Thou 231 1, 7, 4 | i. 7. 4.~'By I sacrifice to the divine strew, may 232 1, 7, 4 | he creates offspring. 'By sacrifice to the god Naraçansa, may 233 1, 7, 4 | verily he creates cattle. 'By sacrifice to the god, Agni Svistakrt, 234 1, 7, 4 | attain security through the sacrifice, having long life', he says; 235 1, 7, 4 | finds support through the sacrifice. With the victory of the 236 1, 7, 4 | the two milkings of the sacrifice milks thus the sacrifice 237 1, 7, 4 | sacrifice milks thus the sacrifice on both sides [2], in front 238 1, 7, 4 | this is one milking of the sacrifice, another is in the Ida. 239 1, 7, 4 | together; verily he milks the sacrifice on both sides, in front 240 1, 7, 4 | thereby he unyokes him. 'By sacrifice to the god Visnu, by the 241 1, 7, 4 | to the god Visnu, by the sacrifice may I attain health and 242 1, 7, 4 | he says; Visnu is the sacrifice; verily the sacrifice finds 243 1, 7, 4 | the sacrifice; verily the sacrifice finds support at the end. ' 244 1, 7, 4 | support at the end. 'By sacrifice to the god Soma, possessing 245 1, 7, 4 | confers seed upon himself. 'By sacrifice to the god Tvastr, may I 246 1, 7, 4 | house, are the pair of the sacrifice; by sacrifice to these deities 247 1, 7, 4 | pair of the sacrifice; by sacrifice to these deities may I be 248 1, 7, 5 | emptying of the Dhruva the sacrifice is emptied, through the 249 1, 7, 5 | is emptied, through the sacrifice the sacrificer, through 250 1, 7, 5 | swelling of the Dhruva, the sacrifice is made to swell, through 251 1, 7, 5 | made to swell, through the sacrifice the sacrificer, through 252 1, 7, 5 | through its swelling the sacrifice is made to swell, through 253 1, 7, 5 | made to swell, through the sacrifice the sacri ficer, throuo - 254 1, 7, 5 | portion, he fills himself. The sacrifice is the size of the sacrificer' 255 1, 7, 5 | portion, the sacrificer is the sacrifice; in that he eats the sacrificer' 256 1, 7, 5 | s portion, he places the sacrifice in the sacrifice. There 257 1, 7, 5 | places the sacrifice in the sacrifice. There is good grass and 258 1, 7, 5 | real for me', he says; the sacrifice is the waters, ambrosia 259 1, 7, 5 | bestows upon himself the sacrifice and the waters. All creatures 260 1, 7, 6 | to the text. 'Be rich the sacrifice; may I be rich', he says; 261 1, 7, 6 | He who having yoked the sacrifice does not let it free becomes 262 1, 7, 6 | to prevent burning. The sacrifice goes away, and turns not 263 1, 7, 6 | knowing the restoration of the sacrifice it does turn back; 'The 264 1, 7, 6 | it does turn back; 'The sacrifice hath become, it hath come 265 1, 7, 6 | is the restoration of the sacrifice, and thereby he restores 266 1, 7, 7 | god Savitr, instigate the sacrifice, instigate the lord of the 267 1, 7, 7 | instigate the lord of the sacrifice for good luck; may the divine 268 1, 7, 9 | May life accord with the sacrifice, may expiration accord with 269 1, 7, 9 | expiration accord with the sacrifice, may inspiration accord 270 1, 7, 9 | inspiration accord with the sacrifice [1], may cross-breathing 271 1, 7, 9 | cross-breathing accord with the sacrifice, may eye accord with the 272 1, 7, 9 | may eye accord with the sacrifice, may ear accord with the 273 1, 7, 9 | may ear accord with the sacrifice, may mind accord with the 274 1, 7, 9 | may mind accord with the sacrifice, may the body accord with 275 1, 7, 9 | the body accord with the sacrifice, may the sacrifice accord 276 1, 7, 9 | with the sacrifice, may the sacrifice accord with the sacrifice.~ 277 1, 7, 9 | sacrifice accord with the sacrifice.~e We have come to the heaven, 278 1, 7, 13| thou that art worthy of sacrifice~In the overcoming of man 279 1, 7, 13| the Soma,~Seated at this sacrifice on the strew,~Be thou health 280 1, 7, 16| The Maruts who bear the sacrifice,~Rejoicing in the mush.~ 281 1, 7, 19| cattle, the protection of the sacrifice; give~me protection.~d Rudra 282 1, 7, 27| Be that ours for which we sacrifice to thee~May we be lords 283 1, 7, 28| thee with the yoking of the sacrifice.~c Thou art the stepping 284 1, 7, 35| worshipful, come to the sacrifice~May the goddess rejoicing 285 1, 7, 35| every contest;~He who by sacrifice is fain to win the mind 286 1, 7, 35| Shall prevail over those who sacrifice not.~m Thou art not harmed, 287 1, 7, 35| hath sacrificed and shall sacrifice;~Him who filleth and satiateth [ 288 2, 1, 4 | Varuna and by Visnu, the sacrifice, they drove him away; his 289 2, 1, 4 | by Varuna, by Visnu, the sacrifice, he drives him away, he 290 2, 1, 5 | thousand days and nights and sacrifice. The days and nights [2] 291 2, 1, 8 | splits him. He to whom the sacrifice does not come should offer 292 2, 1, 8 | dwarf (beast) to Visnu; the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he has 293 2, 1, 8 | verily he gives him the sacrifice, the sacrifice comes to 294 2, 1, 8 | gives him the sacrifice, the sacrifice comes to him. It is a dwarf ( 295 2, 1, 11| with the Maruts, worthy of sacrifice,~Varuna with the Adityas 296 2, 1, 11| reins of sacred law.~o The sacrifice seeketh the goodwill of 297 2, 1, 11| hearkening, establish this sacrifice~For release from sin, for 298 2, 2, 1 | desires offspring offer a sacrifice to Indra, and Agni on eleven 299 2, 2, 2 | continuously, for the human sacrifice is dearest to him, lie should 300 2, 2, 5 | whose birth he offers this sacrifice becomes pure [3], brilliant, 301 2, 2, 5 | at new and full moon, the sacrifice either at the new or the 302 2, 2, 5 | heaven; if he has omitted the sacrifice either at the new or the 303 2, 2, 6 | he should offer the same sacrifice to Vaiçvanara; (the year) 304 2, 2, 7 | him. He to whom the great sacrifice does not resort should offer 305 2, 2, 7 | end bodies of the great sacrifice; verily he has recourse 306 2, 2, 7 | moves for him the great sacrifice from the ends, and the great 307 2, 2, 7 | the ends, and the great sacrifice resorts to him.~ 308 2, 2, 9 | the gods are Agni and the sacrifice is Visnu, with all the gods 309 2, 2, 9 | with all the gods and the sacrifice be practises witchcraft 310 2, 2, 9 | same (offering) should he sacrifice who is practised against; 311 2, 2, 9 | sets gods against gods, the sacrifice against the sacrifice, speech 312 2, 2, 9 | the sacrifice against the sacrifice, speech against speech, 313 2, 2, 9 | between the gods and the sacrifice he creeps along; from no 314 2, 2, 9 | him low. He to whom the sacrifice does not resort should offer 315 2, 2, 9 | all the gods are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he has 316 2, 2, 9 | verily they give him the sacrifice; the sacrifice resorts to 317 2, 2, 9 | give him the sacrifice; the sacrifice resorts to him. He who desires 318 2, 2, 9 | see, (by the eye) of the sacrifice the gods (see) verily he 319 2, 2, 9 | offer against him a sort of sacrifice; he does not then gain his 320 2, 2, 9 | gods against gods [6], the sacrifice against the sacrifice, speech 321 2, 2, 9 | the sacrifice against the sacrifice, speech against speech, 322 2, 2, 10| splendour. He makes him sacrifice on an enclosed (altar), 323 2, 2, 11| Prajapati; he made him [5] sacrifice with the verse for harmony; 324 2, 3, 3 | Indra, being parted from the sacrifice followed after them; to 325 2, 3, 3 | them be said, 'Make me to sacrifice.' For him they offered this 326 2, 3, 3 | For him they offered this sacrifice, to Agni on eight potsherds, 327 2, 3, 3 | him who is parted from the sacrifice he should offer this sacrifice, 328 2, 3, 3 | sacrifice he should offer this sacrifice, to Agni on eight potsherds, 329 2, 3, 3 | of his fellows. The same sacrifice should he offer who desires, ' 330 2, 3, 7 | to Prajapati; he made him sacrifice with this (offering) with 331 2, 3, 7 | strength, he should make him sacrifice with this (offering) with 332 2, 3, 7 | manliness. With this he should sacrifice who is being practised against; 333 2, 3, 8 | for him he offered this sacrifice, to Agni, the blazing, a 334 2, 3, 8 | sight he should offer this sacrifice, to Agni, the blazing, a 335 2, 3, 9 | offer to the All-gods (the sacrifice) for taking possession; 336 2, 3, 10| through the plants; the sacrifice is full of life; it is ( 337 2, 3, 11| days', he should offer this sacrifice, to Agni on eight potsherds, 338 2, 3, 11| all the gods are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily by the 339 2, 3, 11| verily by the gods and the sacrifice he heals him; even if his 340 2, 3, 13| protects him from error in sacrifice. 'That disease of yours, 341 2, 3, 14| made broad room for the sacrifice.~l O Agni and Soma, the 342 2, 4, 1 | foes should in conflict sacrifice with this offering; he should 343 2, 4, 2 | foes should in conflict sacrifice with this offering; to Indra, 344 2, 4, 2 | prosperity, Thus is the sacrifice called 'the victorious'; 345 2, 4, 3 | foes should in conflict sacrifice with this offering. To Agni, 346 2, 4, 6 | who desires cattle should sacrifice with the Çitra (offering); 347 2, 4, 8 | earth, may they aid this sacrifice, may they enter this place, 348 2, 4, 9 | there are Kariras (in the sacrifice) [2], by means of an offering 349 2, 4, 11| are to be recited in this sacrifice', they say; the Kakubh is 350 2, 4, 11| Jagati [1], he would end the sacrifice; he closes with a Tristubh, 351 2, 4, 11| verily he establishes the sacrifice on power and strength, he 352 2, 4, 11| constituents is the whole of the sacrifice; for every desire it is 353 2, 4, 11| it is employed, for the sacrifice is employed for all desires. 354 2, 4, 11| practising witchcraft should sacrifice with that of three constituents; 355 2, 4, 11| constituents is the whole of the sacrifice [2]; verily with the whole 356 2, 4, 11| verily with the whole of the sacrifice he bewitches him, and lays 357 2, 4, 11| same (offering) should he sacrifice who is practised against, 358 2, 4, 11| constituents is the whole of the sacrifice; verily he sacrifices with 359 2, 4, 11| sacrifices with the whole of the sacrifice, and he who practises witchcraft 360 2, 4, 11| same (offering) should he sacrifice who is going to sacrifice 361 2, 4, 11| sacrifice who is going to sacrifice with a thousand; verily 362 2, 4, 11| sacrificed with a thousand should sacrifice with the same (offering) 363 2, 4, 11| who having said, 'I shall sacrifice', does not sacrifice; he 364 2, 4, 11| shall sacrifice', does not sacrifice; he should sacrifice with ( 365 2, 4, 11| not sacrifice; he should sacrifice with (the offering) of three 366 2, 4, 11| 4] is the whole of the sacrifice; verily he sacrifices with 367 2, 4, 11| sacrifices with the whole of the sacrifice, and does not become a prey 368 2, 4, 12| made a disturbance of the sacrifice, and forcibly drank the 369 2, 4, 14| as your tongue, worthy of sacrifice,~Sit on this strew and rejoice.~ 370 2, 5, 2 | made a disturbance of the sacrifice, and forcibly drank the 371 2, 5, 3 | for the continuity of the sacrifice. Indra having slain Vrtra 372 2, 5, 4 | What the gods did at the sacrifice, the Asuras did. The gods [ 373 2, 5, 4 | performing the full moon (sacrifice) they offered this. Then 374 2, 5, 4 | performing the full moon (sacrifice). With the full moon (sacrifice) 375 2, 5, 4 | sacrifice). With the full moon (sacrifice) he hurls the bolt at his 376 2, 5, 4 | appropriates the gods and the sacrifice of his enemy, his pairing 377 2, 5, 4 | appropriates. One should sacrifice at the full moon, if one 378 2, 5, 4 | who desires cattle should sacrifice with the Sakamprasthayiya. 379 2, 5, 4 | and cattle. One should not sacrifice to, Mahendra, if one is 380 2, 5, 4 | worse. For a year one should sacrifice to Indra, for the vow extends 381 2, 5, 4 | vrtra). Thereafter he may sacrifice at will.~ 382 2, 5, 5 | enemy wax great on whose sacrifice when offered it rises in 383 2, 5, 5 | in crease; Visnu is the sacrifice, and Çipi cattle; verily 384 2, 5, 5 | Çipi cattle; verily on the sacrifice and cattle he rests. He 385 2, 5, 5 | no offering at all and no sacrifice, for that cause a son is 386 2, 5, 5 | grasps the mouth of the sacrifice, and sacrifices with the 387 2, 5, 5 | performs several forms of sacrifice. This offering is called ' 388 2, 5, 5 | who desires heaven should sacrifice with the Daksayana sacrifice. 389 2, 5, 5 | sacrifice with the Daksayana sacrifice. On the full moon he should 390 2, 5, 5 | on the new moon he should sacrifice with clotted curds for Mitra 391 2, 5, 5 | truth who mounts upon their sacrifice [5]. Just as a great man 392 2, 5, 5 | desires distinction should sacrifice with it, for this sacrifice 393 2, 5, 5 | sacrifice with it, for this sacrifice has a razor edge, and swiftly 394 2, 5, 6 | the suitable day for the sacrifice. They purified the new and 395 2, 5, 7 | verily he ties the end of the sacrifice [1] so that it may not slip. 396 2, 5, 7 | Prajapati. Prajapati is the sacrifice; verily he grasps the sacrifice 397 2, 5, 7 | sacrifice; verily he grasps the sacrifice as Prajapati. 'Forward your 398 2, 5, 7 | the gods' (that is) the sacrifice, 'desirous of favour ' is 399 2, 5, 7 | wins the dear abode of the sacrifice. If he desire for a man, ' 400 2, 5, 8 | Without a Saman there is no sacrifice. 'O Agni, come hither for 401 2, 5, 8 | this Trca, he makes the sacrifice have Samans. Agni was in 402 2, 5, 9 | he says, for he bears the sacrifice to the gods. 'Kindled by 403 2, 5, 9 | hither the gods, O Agni; and sacrifice to them with a fair sacrifice, 404 2, 5, 9 | sacrifice to them with a fair sacrifice, O Jatavedas', he says; 405 2, 5, 9 | worthy of honour; let us sacrifice to those worthy of sacrifice', 406 2, 5, 9 | sacrifice to those worthy of sacrifice', he says. Those worthy 407 2, 5, 9 | the Pitrs; those worthy of sacrifice are the gods; verily he 408 2, 5, 11| Samidhenis could not see the sacrifice. Prajapati in silence performed 409 2, 5, 11| indeed did the gods see the sacrifice. In that he silently sprinkles, ( 410 2, 5, 11| serves) to light up the sacrifice. Verily also he anoints 411 2, 5, 11| assuredly they will not sacrifice to you with speech', said ( 412 2, 5, 11| sprinkling is the head of the sacrifice, the ladle is the body [ 413 2, 5, 11| he places the head of the sacrifice on its body. Agni was the 414 2, 5, 12| tribe, our people, for the sacrifice [2]~May we conquer in battle 415 2, 5, 12| thou, wise one,~Appease by sacrifice for us the wrath of Varuna;~ 416 2, 5, 12| dawn;~Appease for us by sacrifice Varuna [3], bestowing (on 417 2, 5, 12| propitious for us.~z I sacrifice to thee, I cast forward 418 2, 5, 12| ignorant people follow;~Let him sacrifice who knoweth all the ways,~ 419 2, 6, 1 | Tanunapat; verily he wins the sacrifice [1]. He offers to the oblations; 420 2, 6, 1 | Tanunapat [2]; verily in the sacrifice and in the atmosphere he 421 2, 6, 1 | Asuras were fain to harm the sacrifice. The gods divided the Gayatri, 422 2, 6, 1 | and three behind. Then the sacrifice was protected, and the sacrificer. 423 2, 6, 1 | protection is afforded to the sacrifice and to the sacrificer, for 424 2, 6, 1 | The gods thought that the sacrifice must be completed (in the 425 2, 6, 1 | fore-sacrifices. They split the sacrifice who complete it with the 426 2, 6, 1 | for the continuity of the sacrifice; then verily he makes the 427 2, 6, 2 | oblation are the eyes of the sacrifice. In that he offers the two 428 2, 6, 2 | inserts the two eyes of the sacrifice. He offers in the front 429 2, 6, 2 | the sacrificer does in the sacrifice to support both those animals 430 2, 6, 2 | shall use for thee at the sacrifice to-morrow, by whose strength 431 2, 6, 3 | him, 'The oblation is the sacrifice; let us have a share in 432 2, 6, 3 | Rsis came to the place of sacrifice; they [2] saw the sacrificial 433 2, 6, 4 | Prajapati as the mouth of the sacrifice. He digs until (he reaches) 434 2, 6, 4 | for the continuity of the sacrifice. He should think of any 435 2, 6, 5 | Prajapati as the mouth of the sacrifice. He spreads the sacrificial 436 2, 6, 5 | theologians say, 'What in the sacrifice is the sacrificer' 'The 437 2, 6, 6 | stronger for a failure in the sacrifice.' (The words), 'To the lord 438 2, 6, 6 | Thus by a failure in the sacrifice he becomes stronger, for 439 2, 6, 6 | There is sameness in the sacrifice, in that there are two sacrificial 440 2, 6, 6 | them he offers the silent sacrifice, to break the sameness and 441 2, 6, 6 | in the New and Full Moon Sacrifice~ 442 2, 6, 7 | produce this also at the sacrifice?' Mitra and Varuna said, ' 443 2, 6, 7 | men. 'Who shall help this sacrifice and make the lord of the 444 2, 6, 7 | and make the lord of the sacrifice prosper', he says [4]; verily 445 2, 6, 7 | invokes a blessing for the sacrifice and the sacrificer. 'Sky 446 2, 6, 7 | Invoked in the highest sacrifice, invoked in the greater 447 2, 6, 7 | 5], he says. The highest sacrifice is offspring, the greater 448 2, 6, 7 | invokes the dear abode of the sacrifice. 'All that is dear to it 449 2, 6, 8 | a gift. They cleave the sacrifice [2], if they eat in the 450 2, 6, 8 | verily they connect the sacrifice with the gods. The gods 451 2, 6, 8 | excluded Rudra from the sacrifice; he pierced the sacrifice, 452 2, 6, 8 | sacrifice; he pierced the sacrifice, the gods gathered round 453 2, 6, 8 | confuse that part of the sacrifice. If he were to make a layer 454 2, 6, 8 | the unwounded part of the sacrifice; lie transfers it in front; 455 2, 6, 9 | rubs each once, for the sacrifice there is as it were turned 456 2, 6, 9 | says; there indeed is the sacrifice placed [1], where the Brahman 457 2, 6, 9 | the Brahman is; where the sacrifice is placed, thence does he 458 2, 6, 9 | were to sit in silence, the sacrifice would not proceed; he should 459 2, 6, 9 | Set out! In speech the sacrifice is placed; where the sacrifice 460 2, 6, 9 | sacrifice is placed; where the sacrifice is placed, thence does he 461 2, 6, 9 | Brahman). 'Do thou guard the sacrifice, guard the lord of the sacrifice, 462 2, 6, 9 | sacrifice, guard the lord of the sacrifice, guard me', he says; for 463 2, 6, 9 | guard me', he says; for the sacrifice, the sacrificer, and himself, 464 2, 6, 9 | says, 'Utter the verse for sacrifice to the gods.' The theologians 465 2, 6, 9 | appropriated the blessing of the sacrifice. If one were to say, 'That 466 2, 6, 9 | attain the blessing of the sacrifice. 'This (idám) has been glorious, 467 2, 6, 9 | attain the blessing of the sacrifice. 'We have won the utterance 468 2, 6, 9 | earth', he says, for the sacrifice rests on the sky and earth. ' 469 2, 6, 9 | Helpful for thee in this sacrifice, O sacrificer, be sky and 470 2, 6, 9 | sacrificer), the blessing of the sacrifice would go to his neighbour. ' 471 2, 6, 9 | those to whom he does not sacrifice, he pays homage, for his 472 2, 6, 10| utter the call Svaga at the sacrifice. They spoke to Çamyu Barhaspatya, ' 473 2, 6, 10| Perform the Svaga call at this sacrifice for us.' He said, 'Let me 474 2, 6, 10| boon; if a faithless man sacrifice, or a man sacrifices without 475 2, 6, 10| the blessing of such a sacrifice goes to Çamyu Barhaspatya. ' 476 2, 6, 10| the call Svaga, over the sacrifice. 'That [2] health and wealth 477 2, 6, 10| portion. 'Success to the sacrifice, success to the sacrificer', 478 2, 6, 10| There is sameness in the sacrifice [3] in that the fore-sacrifices 479 2, 6, 10| and to make a pairing. The sacrifice has a fivefold prelude and 480 2, 6, 11| righteous and worthy of sacrifice.~d This Agni is lord of 481 2, 6, 11| common call~Lower to our sacrifice, O Angiras.~As the Rbhus 482 2, 6, 12| thee, O drop, let us make sacrifice with offering;~Let us be 483 2, 6, 12| Angirases who deserve the sacrifice~Yama, rejoice here with 484 2, 6, 12| down on the strew at this sacrifice.~r The Angirases, our fathers, 485 2, 6, 12| of those ones worthy of sacrifice,~May we have their kindly 486 3, 1 | The Supplement to the Soma Sacrifice~ 487 3, 1, 1 | to the place on earth for sacrifice to the gods', he says, for 488 3, 1, 1 | to the place on earth for sacrifice, who sacrifices. 'Wherein 489 3, 1, 2 | moving whence he is minded to sacrifice. This is the support of 490 3, 1, 2 | finds support. If he were to sacrifice moving about, he would lose 491 3, 1, 2 | support; therefore he should sacrifice standing in the same place, 492 3, 1, 3 | They gather together the sacrifice when (they gather the dust 493 3, 1, 3 | oblation-holders are the mouth of the sacrifice; when they move forward 494 3, 1, 3 | it; verily he extends the sacrifice in the mouth of the sacrifice. 495 3, 1, 3 | sacrifice in the mouth of the sacrifice. They lead Agni forward, 496 3, 1, 4 | Approve it, and let us sacrifice with a good offering~May 497 3, 1, 4 | apart from the victim;~The sacrifice goeth to the gods with the 498 3, 1, 4 | ye slayers, come~To the sacrifice [3] sped by the gods;~Free 499 3, 1, 4 | the noose,~The lord of the sacrifice from the bond.~I May Aditi 500 3, 1, 4 | victim) and as worthy of sacrifice;~0 Agni, with thy strength

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