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Alphabetical    [«  »]
saturdays 1
saul 1
savage 1
save 19
saved 32
saving 3
saviour 10
Frequency    [«  »]
19 really
19 remains
19 require
19 save
19 superiors
19 tenth
19 well

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 1, 1, 9 | 9. Q. What must we do to save our souls?~A. To save our 2 1, 1, 9 | to save our souls?~A. To save our souls, we must worship 3 2, 1, 9 | 9. Q. What must we do to save our souls?~A. To save our 4 2, 1, 9 | to save our souls?~A. To save our souls we must worship 5 2, 11, 120 | teach, govern, sanctify, and save all men. ~ 6 2, 23, 258 | when it is necessary to save the Blessed Sacrament from 7 3, 1, 154 | 154. What must we do to save our souls?~A. To save our 8 3, 1, 154 | to save our souls?~A. To save our souls, we must worship 9 3, 10, 478 | creates sufficient grace to save his soul; and if persons 10 3, 10, 478 | soul; and if persons do not save their souls, it is because 11 3, 11, 507 | teach, govern, sanctify, and save all men.~ ~ 12 3, 12, 527 | remain with it forever and save it from error. If, therefore, 13 3, 14, 653 | desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible 14 3, 14, 653 | desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible 15 3, 16, 731 | restrictions in order to save, if possible, the soul of 16 3, 20, 863 | Church, therefore, wishing to save as many as possible, made 17 3, 26, 1059| use of Sacramentals will save us in spite of our sinful 18 3, 26, 1094| flight into Egypt -- to save the life of the Infant Jesus, 19 3, 29, 1137| what we must do in order to save our souls; just as the Apostles'

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