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Alphabetical    [«  »]
pius 2
place 56
placed 6
places 19
placing 3
plagues 1
plant 1
Frequency    [«  »]
19 meaning
19 merits
19 obtain
19 places
19 pure
19 really
19 remains

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 18, 207 | I mean all the persons, places, and things that may easily 2 3, 12, 544 | the needs of the times, places or persons as it judged 3 3, 12, 570 | existed in all ages nor in all places, and their doctrines do 4 3, 15, 704 | extends over all ages and places, while ours is confined 5 3, 15, 704 | and to a limited number of places.~ ~ 6 3, 17, 770 | I mean all the persons, places and things that may easily 7 3, 17, 774 | Q. 775. What persons, places and things are usually occasions 8 3, 17, 774 | of sin for them;~2. The places are usually liquor saloons, 9 3, 17, 774 | opinion and found in public places.~ ~ ~ ~ 10 3, 20, 864 | articles of devotion; to places such as churches, altars, 11 3, 21, 886 | Our Lord's body in so many places at the same time, while 12 3, 23, 947 | passages and disputing about places should, out of respect for 13 3, 26, 1075| custom is now in use in many places?~A. A praiseworthy custom 14 3, 26, 1075| custom now in use in many places is the offering by the faithful 15 3, 30, 1159| his reason and will and places his body and mind entirely 16 3, 33, 1289| Q. 1289. What places are dangerous to the virtue 17 3, 33, 1289| Indecent theaters and similar places of amusement are dangerous 18 3, 36, 1369| Catholic?~A. The Church places several restrictions on 19 3, 36, 1369| marriage itself. The Church places these restrictions to show

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