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Alphabetical    [«  »]
error 6
escape 2
escaped 2
especially 19
essence 2
essential 2
est 1
Frequency    [«  »]
19 chiefly
19 desires
19 dignity
19 especially
19 forty
19 gave
19 goods

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 15, 175 | to neglect Confirmation, especially in these evil days when 2 3, 7, 329 | through the Sacraments, and especially through Baptism and Penance, 3 3, 10, 472 | country, race or condition, especially if he needs our help, is 4 3, 10, 482 | often during the day, and especially in the morning.~ ~ ~ 5 3, 11, 510 | conditions are not often found, especially that of dying in a state 6 3, 15, 673 | his own at Confirmation, especially when the name of a saint 7 3, 15, 693 | to neglect Confirmation, especially in these evil days when 8 3, 16, 726 | of better preparation -- especially when the person has been 9 3, 18, 782 | this we have always need, especially to resist temptation. The 10 3, 18, 808 | trial, affliction, etc., especially, when we have not brought 11 3, 18, 809 | Church did public penance, especially for the sins of which they 12 3, 20, 847 | prayers of holy persons, and especially of the martyrs begging the 13 3, 22, 914 | our personal appearance, especially neatness and cleanliness;~ 14 3, 24, 965 | neat and clean as possible. Especially should the face, hands and 15 3, 25, 1042| guilty of greater sins, especially sins of sacrilege.~ ~ ~ 16 3, 26, 1052| good and avoiding evil; especially by reminding us of some 17 3, 32, 1247| or enjoyment on Sunday, especially to those who are occupied 18 3, 34, 1313| others have said about them, especially if the things said be evil. 19 3, 37, 1389| the general judgment, and especially that Christ Our Lord may

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