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recalls 1
receive 169
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receiving 26
reception 15
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18 four
18 human
18 purpose
18 receives
18 remit
18 sorry
18 support

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 13, 144| What sin does he commit who receives the Sacraments of the living 2 2, 13, 144| in mortal sin?~A. He who receives the Sacraments of the living 3 2, 23, 255| 255. Q. Does he who receives Communion in mortal sin 4 2, 23, 255| blood of Christ?~A. He who receives Communion in mortal sin 5 2, 23, 255| Communion in mortal sin receives the body and blood of Christ, 6 3, 13, 598| What sin does he commit who receives the Sacraments of the living 7 3, 13, 598| in mortal sin?~A. He who receives the Sacraments of the living 8 3, 13, 615| conditionally are:~1. When he receives converts into the Church 9 3, 13, 618| Holy Orders, and a man who receives priesthood is forbidden 10 3, 14, 668| blessing which a mother receives at the Altar, as soon as 11 3, 16, 728| sins which every priest receives at his ordination, and~2. 12 3, 16, 729| their sins till the priest receives faculties or authority to 13 3, 16, 736| but by the authority he receives as the minister of God.~ ~ 14 3, 22, 902| Q. 903. Does he who receives Communion in mortal sin 15 3, 22, 902| blood of Christ?~A. He who receives Communion in mortal sin 16 3, 22, 902| Communion in mortal sin receives the body and blood of Christ, 17 3, 23, 931| Communion, at which the priest receives into his own body the Holy 18 3, 24, 980| Deaconship, by which be receives power to preach, baptize,

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