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Alphabetical    [«  »]
precious 2
predominant 3
prelates 2
preparation 15
preparations 1
prepare 8
prepared 9
Frequency    [«  »]
15 namely
15 new
15 pain
15 preparation
15 prevent
15 reception
15 remained

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 15, 174 | 174. Q. What special preparation should be made to receive 2 3, 15, 691 | Q. 692. What special preparation should be made to receive 3 3, 16, 726 | or for the sake of better preparation -- especially when the person 4 3, 16, 743 | most important part of the preparation for confession?~A. The most 5 3, 16, 743 | most important part of the preparation for confession is sincere 6 3, 16, 744 | our want of real earnest preparation for them and the fact that 7 3, 19, 828 | requires more time and longer preparation.~ ~ 8 3, 24, 965 | to be observed about the preparation for the administration of 9 3, 24, 965 | Sacraments?~A. The further preparation for the administration of 10 3, 24, 975 | 976. What is the final preparation we should make for the reception 11 3, 24, 975 | Sacraments?~A. The final preparation we should make for the reception 12 3, 24, 981 | all together, some are a preparation for the Sacrament and the 13 3, 32, 1256| Sunday, in such cases as the preparation of a place for Holy Mass, 14 3, 35, 1343| Advent is the four weeks of preparation preceding Christmas. Ember 15 3, 35, 1343| feasts and spent in spiritual preparation for them.~ ~

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