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Alphabetical    [«  »]
numbered 2
numbers 1
numerous 4
nuptial 14
o 7
oath 31
oaths 6
Frequency    [«  »]
14 mixed
14 motives
14 neglecting
14 nuptial
14 offense
14 offered
14 poor

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


   Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 36, 405 | performed with pomp or a nuptial Mass. ~ 2 2, 36, 406 | 406. Q. What is the nuptial Mass?~A. A nuptial Mass 3 2, 36, 406 | is the nuptial Mass?~A. A nuptial Mass is a Mass appointed 4 2, 36, 407 | Catholics be married at a nuptial Mass?~A. Catholics should 5 2, 36, 407 | Catholics should be married at a nuptial Mass, because they thereby 6 3, 23, 926 | what is meant by Requiem, Nuptial and Votive Masses.~A. A 7 3, 23, 926 | prayers for the dead. A Nuptial Mass is one said at the 8 3, 25, 1040| Catholic marriage by the Nuptial Mass and solemn ceremonies.~ ~ 9 3, 25, 1049| the morning, and with a Nuptial Mass if possible.~ ~ ~ 10 3, 36, 1366| performed with pomp or a nuptial Mass.~ ~ 11 3, 36, 1367| Q. 1367. What is the nuptial Mass?~A. The nuptial Mass 12 3, 36, 1367| the nuptial Mass?~A. The nuptial Mass is a Mass appointed 13 3, 36, 1368| Catholics be married at a nuptial Mass?~A. Catholics should 14 3, 36, 1368| Catholics should be married at a nuptial Mass, because they thereby

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