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Alphabetical    [«  »]
tablets 1
take 58
taken 23
takes 9
taketh 1
taking 20
tale-bearing 2
Frequency    [«  »]
9 speaks
9 steal
9 strong
9 takes
9 too
9 week
9 welfare

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 3, 18, 823 | and when each community takes one of Christ's works and 2 3, 21, 893 | Consecration in the Mass takes place immediately before 3 3, 23, 932 | before it?~A. The Offertory takes place immediately after 4 3, 24, 980 | Sub-deaconship, by which he takes upon himself the obligation 5 3, 25, 1018| priest before the marriage takes place and thus prevent an 6 3, 31, 1208| of relics?~A. The Church takes the greatest care in the 7 3, 32, 1223| one commits who knowingly takes a false oath; that is, swears 8 3, 32, 1251| keep the New Law, which takes its place.~ ~ 9 3, 34, 1292| Church and when the stealing takes place in the Church.~ ~

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