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Alphabetical    [«  »]
dwelling-place 1
dwells 1
dwelt 1
dying 8
each 49
eager 1
eagerly 1
Frequency    [«  »]
8 dishonesty
8 divorce
8 drunkenness
8 dying
8 enjoy
8 entirely
8 envy

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 3, 6, 307| exposes him to the danger of dying in a state of mortal sin.~ ~ 2 3, 11, 510| found, especially that of dying in a state of grace without 3 3, 14, 641| the child to the danger of dying without the Sacrament.~ ~ 4 3, 14, 642| But if a child is surely dying, we may baptize it without 5 3, 16, 731| possible, the soul of the dying.~ ~ 6 3, 20, 845| Indulgence granted to the dying in their last agony.~ ~ 7 3, 24, 969| take away mortal sin if the dying person is no longer able 8 3, 24, 969| take away mortal sin if the dying person is no longer able

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