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Alphabetical    [«  »]
know 122
knowiedge 1
knowing 7
knowingly 7
knowledge 23
known 34
knows 10
Frequency    [«  »]
7 kindred
7 kingdom
7 knowing
7 knowingly
7 laid
7 leave
7 letters

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 3, 10, 477 | Q. 478. Is it a sin knowingly to resist the grace of God?~ 2 3, 10, 477 | of God?~A. It is a sin, knowingly, to resist the grace of 3 3, 22, 901 | receive Holy Communion after knowingly breaking the fast necessary 4 3, 32, 1223| the sin one commits who knowingly takes a false oath; that 5 3, 33, 1274| persons who willfully and knowingly commit such an act die in 6 3, 34, 1294| against honesty also by knowingly receiving, buying or sharing 7 3, 34, 1307| lie is a sin committed by knowingly saying what is untrue with

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