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Alphabetical    [«  »]
excelsis 1
except 8
exception 5
excessive 7
exchange 2
excite 9
excited 4
Frequency    [«  »]
7 else
7 entering
7 establishment
7 excessive
7 explain
7 exposed
7 eyes

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 3, 6, 296| is pride?~A. Pride is an excessive love of our own ability; 2 3, 6, 298| covetousness?~A. Covetousness is an excessive desire for worldly things.~ ~ 3 3, 6, 300| What is lust?~A. Lust is an excessive desire for the sinful pleasures 4 3, 6, 302| is anger?~A. Anger is an excessive emotion of the mind excited 5 3, 6, 302| person or thing, or it is an excessive desire for revenge.~ ~ 6 3, 6, 304| gluttony?~A. Gluttony is an excessive desire for food or drink.~ ~ 7 3, 6, 305| use of his reason by the excessive taking of intoxicating drink.~ ~

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