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Alphabetical    [«  »]
change 38
changed 34
changes 7
changing 6
character 26
characteristic 1
characteristics 1
Frequency    [«  »]
6 cardinals
6 cases
6 ceased
6 changing
6 charge
6 claimed
6 concealed

Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText - Concordances


  Part, Chapter, Paragraph
1 2, 22, 250| priests exercise this power of changing broad and wine into the 2 2, 22, 250| priests exercise this power of changing bread and wine into the 3 3, 12, 565| To avoid the danger of changing any part of its teaching 4 3, 21, 891| My last supper, namely, changing the substance of bread and 5 3, 21, 892| priests exercise this power of changing bread and wine into the 6 3, 21, 892| priests exercise this power of changing bread and wine into the

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