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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

A  =  286 words (9916 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
2730 a
   1 aaron
   7 abandon
   3 abandoned
   1 abandoning
   2 abbot
   7 abide
   2 abides
   2 ability
  15 able
   3 abolish
   6 abolished
  50 about
  12 above
   3 abraham
   3 absence
   4 absent
   1 absolute
   1 absolutely
  24 absolution
   6 absolve
   2 absolved
   4 absolving
  13 abstain
   1 abstaining
  11 abstinence
   3 absurd
   8 abuse
   5 abuses
   1 abusing
   5 accept
   1 acceptable
   1 accepted
   5 accident
   1 accidents
   4 accompanied
   2 accompany
   2 accomplish
   2 accomplished
   1 accordance
  19 according
  24 account
   4 accounts
   1 accurately
   7 accuse
   1 accused
   5 acknowledge
   2 acknowledging
   2 acolyte
   1 acolytes
   3 acquire
   4 acquired
  30 act
   2 acted
   1 acting
   3 action
  20 actions
  18 acts
  40 actual
  55 adam
   8 add
   2 added
   2 address
   2 addressing
  12 administer
   2 administered
   3 administering
   6 administers
   7 administration
   1 admiring
   2 admit
   1 admits
   1 admitted
   4 admonish
   2 adopted
   1 adoption
   2 adoration
  17 adore
   2 adored
   2 adoring
   5 adultery
   2 adults
   7 advent
  14 advice
   2 advise
   2 advised
   5 affairs
   2 affect
   1 affecting
   2 affection
   2 affections
   5 affinity
   3 affliction
   3 afflictions
   1 afford
   1 affords
   2 afraid
 148 after
   1 afternoon
   3 afterward
   2 afterwards
  29 again
  72 against
  18 age
  15 ages
   1 agility
   1 agnostics
   4 agnus
   3 ago
   9 agony
   3 agree
   2 agreement
  21 aid
   4 aided
   4 aids
   2 aims
   2 air
   1 alb
   2 alcoholic
   1 alive
 455 all
   2 all-good
   2 all-powerful
   2 allow
  26 allowed
  17 almighty
   5 almost
   8 alms
   1 alms-deeds
   5 almsgiving
  46 alone
  10 already
 131 also
  23 altar
   8 altars
   1 although
  83 always
   6 am
   1 ambition
  13 amen
   4 amend
   3 amendment
   1 amends
   1 amice
   1 amid
   9 among
   1 amongst
   3 amount
   1 amusement
   2 amusements
 178 an
   1 ancestor
   9 ancestors
2610 and
   1 andrew
  11 angel
   2 angelical
  50 angels
  15 anger
   1 angry
   1 anguish
   6 animal
   8 animals
   2 announce
   6 announced
   1 annoys
   4 annunciation
   7 anointed
  14 anointing
   2 anoints
  66 another
   2 anothers
   8 answer
   2 answers
   2 anti-pope
   2 anti-popes
   1 antioch
 149 any
   4 anyone
  15 anything
   9 apart
   1 apocalypse
   1 apostates
   9 apostle
 127 apostles
   9 apostolic
   2 apparently
   5 appear
  16 appearance
   8 appearances
   7 appeared
   2 appears
   1 appetites
   1 applicable
   2 application
   3 applied
   1 applies
   2 apply
   4 applying
   1 appoint
  18 appointed
   1 appointment
   1 approach
   1 approval
   3 approved
   2 approves
   5 archangel
   2 archangels
   1 archbishop
   2 archbishops
   3 ardent
1023 are
   1 arimathea
   3 arise
   4 ark
   1 arm
   2 army
   4 arose
   2 around
   2 arranged
   2 arrangement
   1 arrangements
   2 arranging
   5 art
  13 article
  12 articles
 348 as
  12 ascended
   2 ascends
  21 ascension
   1 ascertain
   2 ascribed
   1 ash
   4 ashamed
   5 ashes
   1 asia
  12 ask
   5 asked
   5 asking
   4 asks
   1 aspersion
   1 assert
   1 assertions
   9 assist
   2 assistance
   2 assisted
   5 assumption
   1 assured
   3 asunder
 192 at
   1 atheism
   1 atheists
   1 atone
   1 atoning
   1 attach
  11 attached
   1 attack
   1 attacked
   1 attacks
   2 attain
   1 attaining
   2 attempt
   6 attend
   1 attendants
   3 attending
   5 attention
  10 attribute
  25 attributes
   3 attributing
   1 attrition
   1 aug
   1 authentic
   2 author
   2 authorities
  66 authority
   7 authorized
   1 authorizes
   2 avail
   1 avert
  25 avoid
   3 avoided
   5 avoiding
   1 avoids
   1 awake
   1 aware
  18 away

A  =  286 words (9916 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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