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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

C  =  352 words (4592 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
  28 call
 211 called
   6 calling
   5 calvary
  35 came
 183 can
   1 cana
   1 candidate
   4 candle
   8 candles
   1 candlesticks
 123 cannot
   3 canon
   2 canonical
   1 canonization
   1 canonized
   1 canons
   1 canst
   1 cantata
   4 capable
   8 capital
   2 captive
   1 card
   6 cardinals
  23 care
   3 careful
   9 carefully
   1 careless
   1 carmel
   1 carriage
   2 carried
   2 carry
   1 carrying
   1 carve
  24 case
   6 cases
   4 cast
   9 catechism
   3 catechumens
   2 cathedra
   2 cathedral
  58 catholic
  40 catholics
  14 cause
  11 caused
   8 causes
   5 cease
   6 ceased
   1 ceaseless
   2 celebrant
   3 celebrated
   2 celebrates
   2 celebration
   1 censure
   1 censures
   1 century
   5 ceremonial
  30 ceremonies
  12 ceremony
  46 certain
   3 certainly
   1 certainty
   9 chalice
   1 chalices
  38 change
  34 changed
   7 changes
   6 changing
  26 character
   1 characteristic
   1 characteristics
   6 charge
   1 charges
   2 charitable
  27 charity
  12 charms
   1 chaste
  11 chastity
   1 chasuble
   1 cheating
   4 cheek
  91 chief
  19 chiefly
  20 child
   3 childhood
  58 children
   1 chin
   2 choice
   1 choirs
   3 choose
   4 chosen
  17 chrism
 414 christ
  39 christian
   3 christianity
  37 christians
   5 christmas
 601 church
   1 church-bells
   9 churches
   2 churching
   2 ciborium
   1 cincture
   2 circumcision
   1 circumstance
  16 circumstances
   1 cities
   1 citizens
   1 city
  13 civil
   1 civilization
   1 claim
   6 claimed
   3 class
  11 classes
   5 clay
   8 clean
   1 cleanliness
   2 cleanse
   3 cleanses
   1 cleansing
   4 clear
   1 clearer
   9 clearly
   5 clergy
   1 clerical
   1 climate
   1 cling
   1 clipping
   1 cloak
   2 close
   1 closely
   1 closer
   9 cloth
   2 clothe
   1 clothed
   2 clothing
   1 coldness
   1 collection
   1 college
   1 colleges
   4 color
   3 colors
   1 combination
  32 come
  11 comes
   4 comfort
   2 comforted
   1 comforts
  33 coming
  26 command
  53 commanded
 198 commandment
  73 commandments
  13 commands
   1 commemorate
   7 commemoration
   1 commend
   1 commission
  33 commit
   9 commits
  51 committed
   1 committees
   4 committing
   7 common
  10 commonly
   1 communications
 113 communion
   7 communities
   4 community
   1 companion
   3 company
   1 comparison
   1 compelled
   1 compelling
   2 compendium
   1 compensation
   3 complete
   2 completed
   2 completely
   1 completion
   9 comply
   4 composed
   8 conceal
   6 concealed
   3 concealing
   2 conceals
  12 conceived
  12 conception
   1 concern
  25 concerning
   1 concerns
   1 concession
   1 conclude
   1 concupiscence
   1 condemn
   1 condemnation
  11 condemned
   2 condemns
  12 condition
   1 conditional
  16 conditionally
   9 conditions
   2 conduct
   8 confer
   3 conferred
   2 confers
  48 confess
   9 confessed
   5 confessing
 149 confession
   8 confessional
   7 confessions
  26 confessor
   1 confessors
   1 confide
   1 confidence
   2 confined
   3 confirm
  75 confirmation
  11 confirmed
   9 confirms
   3 confiteor
   1 confounded
   2 confusion
   3 congregation
   4 congregations
   3 connected
   2 connection
   1 consanguinity
  22 conscience
   1 conscientiously
   3 consecrate
   8 consecrated
   1 consecrating
  16 consecration
  20 consent
   1 consented
   7 consequences
   4 consider
   1 consideration
   3 considered
   1 considers
   3 consist
   1 consisted
   1 consistent
   1 consisting
   4 consists
   3 consolation
   8 constant
   1 constantly
   2 constitutes
   1 constructed
   2 consult
   2 consulted
   2 consuming
   1 consummated
  11 contain
   3 containing
   8 contains
   5 contempt
   2 content
   2 continency
   1 continual
  13 continue
   3 continued
   5 continues
  15 contract
   2 contracted
   1 contracting
   1 contracts
   2 contradict
   2 contradicts
  11 contrary
   8 contribute
   2 contributing
  44 contrition
   2 control
   2 convents
   2 conversation
   1 converse
   1 conversing
   1 conversion
   1 conversions
   6 converted
   4 converts
   3 convey
   1 convinced
   1 cooking
   1 cope
   1 cor
   1 cord
   1 coronation
  13 corporal
   1 correct
   1 corrected
   1 correspond
   1 corresponding
   4 corrupted
   5 corruption
   1 cotton
  55 could
   3 council
   2 councils
  10 counsel
   1 countless
   1 countries
  13 country
   2 couple
   2 courage
   4 courts
   1 cousin
   2 cousins
   4 covenant
   2 covered
   1 covering
   1 covers
  10 covet
   8 covetousness
   3 create
  43 created
   2 creates
   2 creating
   5 creation
  10 creator
  14 creature
  15 creatures
  15 creed
   1 crib
   3 crime
   1 crimes
   1 criminal
   1 criminals
   1 crops
  87 cross
   1 crosses
   5 crowned
   1 crowning
   8 crucified
  17 crucifix
   2 crucifixes
   3 crucifixion
   5 cruel
   2 cruelly
   1 cruelty
   1 cultivation
   2 cup
   3 curiosity
   1 current
   6 cursing
  12 custom
   1 cut

C  =  352 words (4592 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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