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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

I  =  186 words (5151 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
 118 i
   1 i.e.
   1 idea
   1 idling
   1 idol
   2 idolatry
   1 idols
 151 if
   1 ignorance
  11 ignorant
   1 ii
   1 iives
   4 ill
   4 ill-gotten
   2 ill-will
   6 illness
   4 ills
   1 illuminate
   2 illustrate
   7 image
  24 images
   2 imagination
   1 imagine
   6 imitate
   2 imitating
   1 imitation
   1 imitations
  11 immaculate
  22 immediately
   1 immersion
  11 immodest
   2 immodesty
   1 immoral
   1 immorality
   7 immortal
   2 immortality
   1 imparted
   1 imparts
   1 impassibility
   1 impatience
   6 impediment
   8 impediments
   1 impelled
  14 imperfect
   1 imperfection
   2 imperfections
   2 implies
   2 imply
   8 importance
  11 important
   1 impose
   3 imposed
   1 imposes
   1 impossibility
  15 impossible
   1 imposters
   1 impostors
   6 imprint
   2 improve
   1 improved
   7 impure
   6 impurity
1433 in
   2 incapable
  20 incarnation
   1 incense
   9 inclination
   4 inclinations
   1 inclined
   2 include
   1 included
   3 includes
   4 inconvenience
  23 increase
   1 increased
   1 increases
   1 increasing
   2 incur
   3 indecent
   7 indefectibility
   1 indefectible
   1 independence
   2 independent
   1 independently
   7 indicate
   1 indicated
   1 indicates
   3 indifference
   1 indifferent
   1 indirectly
   1 individuals
   1 indivisible
   1 induce
   3 induced
   2 inducing
  42 indulgence
   1 indulgenced
  54 indulgences
   1 indulgences-plenary
   9 infallibility
  16 infallible
   7 infallibly
   9 infant
   4 infants
   3 inferior
   3 infidels
   9 infinite
  16 infinitely
   1 inflict
   2 inflicted
   4 influence
   3 infused
   2 infusion
   1 ingratitude
   9 inherit
   4 inheritance
   1 injure
   9 injured
   2 injures
   7 injuries
   2 injuring
   6 injury
   4 injustice
   7 innocence
  10 innocent
   1 innocents
   1 inquire
   1 insane
   1 inscriptions
   1 inserted
   1 inside
   2 inspiration
   5 inspired
   2 instance
   1 instant
   2 instantly
  12 instead
   7 instinct
  11 institute
  63 instituted
   4 institution
   2 institutions
  10 instruct
   9 instructed
   5 instruction
   3 instructions
   1 instruments
   4 insult
   1 insulting
   3 intelligence
   1 intelligent
   4 intend
  12 intended
   7 intends
  36 intention
   2 intentionally
   1 intentions
   3 intercession
   1 interest
   8 interior
   2 internal
   1 intimate
 150 into
   1 intoxicating
   2 introit
   4 invalid
   1 investigate
   9 invisible
   1 invite
   2 invites
   1 inviting
   5 invocation
   2 invoke
   1 invokes
   1 involuntary
   1 irreligious
   4 irreverence
   1 irreverent
1614 is
   1 iscariot
   3 israelites
 655 it
   1 ite
 122 its
  25 itself
   1 iv

I  =  186 words (5151 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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