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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

M  =  172 words (2857 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
  88 made
   2 magi
   5 magistrates
   1 maiden
   1 maintain
   2 maintains
   1 majesty
   1 major
 134 make
  19 makes
  31 making
   1 malice
 127 man
   1 manage
   1 manifestation
   1 manifested
   1 maniple
   7 mankind
   1 manna
  32 manner
   1 manners
  86 many
  13 mark
  23 marks
 102 marriage
  28 marriages
  25 married
  32 marry
   2 marrying
   2 martyrdom
   9 martyrs
  40 mary
   3 marys
 145 mass
  11 masses
   1 master
   1 masters
   1 mastery
  12 material
   1 materialists
   1 mathias
  41 matrimony
   8 matter
  17 matters
   3 matthew
 206 may
  36 me
   5 meal
   8 meals
 200 mean
  19 meaning
   1 meanings
 106 means
  26 meant
   1 measure
   3 meat
   2 meatless
   2 medal
   3 medals
   3 medicine
   4 meditate
   2 meditating
   1 medium
  10 mediums
   3 meek
   4 meekness
   1 meeting-houses
   1 meetings
   2 member
  37 members
   1 memorial
   2 memorials
   5 memory
  66 men
   6 mention
   4 mentioned
  13 merciful
  33 mercy
   5 mere
  16 merely
  17 merit
   4 merited
  19 merits
   1 mesmerism
   1 message
   6 messengers
   1 messias
   1 method
   1 methods
   3 michael
   1 midnight
   1 midst
  16 might
   2 mildness
  31 mind
   6 minds
  20 minister
  14 ministers
   2 ministry
   1 minor
   6 miracle
  20 miracles
   2 miraculous
   3 miraculously
   3 misery
   1 misfortune
   1 misfortunes
   1 misrepresent
   2 missa
   4 missions
   1 mistake
   1 mistaken
   1 misuse
  14 mixed
   2 mixture
   1 mocked
   1 mockery
   1 mocking
   3 model
   1 models
   1 moderate
   1 moderated
   3 modest
   4 modesty
   1 moment
   1 monasteries
   1 mondays
   6 money
   1 monks
   2 monsignor
   1 monsignori
   2 monstrance
   4 month
   1 months
   1 monuments
  12 moral
  22 morals
  74 more
   4 moreover
   7 morning
 135 mortal
   1 mortified
   2 mortify
   2 mortifying
   8 moses
  39 most
  29 mother
   1 motion
   4 motive
  14 motives
  11 mount
   2 mountain
   2 mourn
   2 mourners
   4 mouth
   2 move
   2 movements
   4 moves
   1 moving
  13 much
   1 multiplication
   1 multiplied
   1 multiplying
   1 multitudes
   5 murder
   1 murdering
 192 must
   1 mutual
  47 my
   3 myself
  35 mysteries
  23 mystery

M  =  172 words (2857 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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