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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

P  =  308 words (2687 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 packet
   1 packets
   2 pagan
   3 paid
  15 pain
   1 painful
   5 pains
   2 paintings
   1 pall
   2 pallium
   3 palm
   5 palms
   2 papal
   3 paper
   1 papers
   1 paraclete
  11 paradise
  16 pardon
   1 pardoned
   1 pardons
   1 parent
  77 parents
   5 parish
   3 parishes
  35 part
   2 partake
   1 partakes
  10 partial
   1 particle
   1 particles
  35 particular
   9 particularly
  11 parts
   3 paschal
   1 pass
   2 passages
   2 passed
   4 passing
  20 passion
   5 passions
  13 past
   2 pastor
   1 pastoral
  22 pastors
   1 paten
   1 path
   2 patience
   3 patient
   9 patiently
   4 patriarchs
   1 patriotic
   1 patron
   9 paul
   5 pay
   1 payment
   1 pays
  11 peace
   2 peacemaker
   3 peacemakers
   1 pen
   1 penalties
   2 penalty
 103 penance
   8 penances
   1 pence
  10 penitent
   1 penitents
   1 penny
  10 pentecost
  26 people
   1 perception
  31 perfect
   9 perfection
   9 perfections
   3 perfectly
  22 perform
   4 performance
   9 performed
   5 performing
   2 performs
   2 perish
   4 perjury
   1 permanent
   7 permission
   7 permit
   6 permits
   6 permitted
   1 permitting
   2 perpetual
   1 persecute
   3 persecuted
   3 persecution
   7 perseverance
   1 persevere
 132 person
   2 personal
   2 personally
 171 persons
   2 persuaded
   1 pertaining
   2 pertains
   1 perverted
   1 perverts
  26 peter
   1 pharao
   1 pharisees
   1 philip
   1 photographs
   1 physician
   2 picture
   8 pictures
   4 piece
   1 pieces
   1 pierced
   9 piety
   4 pilate
   2 pilgrimage
   1 pilgrimages
   1 pillar
  17 pious
   2 pius
  56 place
   6 placed
  19 places
   3 placing
   1 plagues
   1 plant
   1 planted
   1 plants
   1 plate
   1 please
   2 pleased
   1 pleases
  11 pleasing
   5 pleasure
   2 pleasures
   2 pledge
  13 plenary
   4 plentifully
   2 point
   1 points
   1 poison
   3 political
   2 pomp
   4 pomps
   3 pontifical
   3 pontius
  14 poor
  68 pope
   4 popes
   1 pore
   1 porter
   5 portion
   4 position
   2 positively
  11 possess
   1 possessed
   4 possesses
   3 possession
   1 possessions
  39 possible
   3 postponed
   1 postpones
   3 pour
   4 poured
   8 pouring
  10 poverty
 127 power
  13 powers
  22 practice
  11 practices
   4 praise
   2 praiseworthy
  35 pray
   1 prayed
  41 prayer
  45 prayers
   9 praying
   4 prays
  11 preach
   4 preached
   1 preaching
   1 preachings
   3 preceding
   5 precept
   2 precepts
   2 precious
   3 predominant
   2 prelates
  15 preparation
   1 preparations
   8 prepare
   9 prepared
   6 preparing
  16 presence
  25 present
   1 presentation
   1 presented
   2 preservation
   2 preserve
  12 preserved
   2 preserver
   4 preserves
  13 presumption
   4 pretend
   3 pretended
   1 pretense
   1 pretenses
  15 prevent
   3 prevented
   1 preventing
   3 prevents
   2 previous
  10 pride
 137 priest
  14 priesthood
   1 priestly
  57 priests
   2 primacy
   2 primates
   1 principal
   1 printing
   2 prison
   1 prison-that
   2 prisons
   6 private
   9 privately
  10 privilege
   7 privileges
   4 probably
   1 probation
   2 proceed
   1 proceeded
   2 proceeds
   1 proclaim
   1 proclaiming
   2 proclaims
   1 procure
   6 produce
   1 produces
   4 profane
  25 profess
   1 professes
  12 profession
   5 profit
   1 profound
   2 prohibited
   2 prohibiting
   1 prohibition
  23 promise
  26 promised
   6 promises
   2 prompted
   2 pronounces
   1 pronouncing
   7 proof
   1 proofs
   1 propagate
  22 proper
   2 properly
   1 properties
  10 property
   8 prophecies
   2 prophet
   1 prophetic
   9 prophets
   5 proportion
   1 proposed
   2 prosper
   4 protect
   1 protected
   5 protection
   2 protector
   4 protestant
  11 prove
   5 proved
  12 provided
   5 providence
   1 provides
   1 province
   1 provinces
   1 proving
   1 proxy
   3 prudence
   1 prudent
  11 public
   4 publicly
   3 published
  13 punish
   1 punishable
   2 punished
   2 punishes
  60 punishment
  12 punishments
   2 purchased
  19 pure
  32 purgatory
   1 purged
   2 purification
   1 purificator
   3 purified
   1 purify
   9 purity
   2 purple
  18 purpose
   5 purposes
  14 put
   5 putting

P  =  308 words (2687 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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