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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

R  =  224 words (1625 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
   2 r
   5 race
   2 races
   6 raised
   1 raising
   7 rank
   2 ransom
   1 raphael
   1 rapidly
   1 rarely
  13 rash
  14 rather
   1 rationalists
   2 reach
   5 reached
   7 read
   1 reader
   7 reading
   5 ready
  22 real
   1 reality
  19 really
  48 reason
   3 reasonable
   9 reasons
   2 rebel
   1 rebelled
   1 rebuked
   8 recall
   1 recalling
   1 recalls
 169 receive
  23 received
  18 receives
  26 receiving
  15 reception
   4 recognize
   1 recognized
   2 recollection
   1 recommend
   6 recommended
   1 reconcile
   1 recorded
   1 recovering
   2 recovers
   1 recovery
   1 recreation
   2 red
   4 redeem
   1 redeemed
  36 redeemer
  30 redemption
   4 refer
   5 refers
  10 reflection
   1 reform
   1 reformation
   2 reformed
   5 refuse
   2 refused
   1 refuses
   2 refusing
   1 refute
  22 regard
   1 regarding
   2 register
   2 regular
   1 regulate
   1 regulated
   2 regulating
   2 regulations
   1 reignest
   1 reigning
   1 reject
   1 rejected
   2 rejecting
   2 rejoice
   1 relapses
  13 related
   1 relating
   1 relations
  17 relationship
   3 relationships
   6 relatives
  11 relic
  32 relics
   2 relief
 120 religion
   2 religions
  45 religious
   2 relish
   2 relying
  38 remain
   1 remainder
  15 remained
   2 remaining
  19 remains
   1 remarkable
   1 remedies
   2 remedy
  12 remember
   1 remembrance
   9 remind
   5 reminding
   2 reminds
  11 remission
  18 remit
  11 remits
  11 remitted
   1 remote
   4 remove
   1 removed
   1 removes
   2 removing
   7 render
   1 renders
   2 renew
   4 renounce
   1 renouncement
   3 reopen
   6 repair
   2 reparation
   1 repaying
   5 repeat
   5 repeated
   1 repeating
   1 repent
   2 repentance
   1 reports
   3 represent
   1 representation
   2 representations
   1 representative
   1 representatives
   4 represents
   4 reputation
   1 request
   2 requiem
  19 require
  12 required
   1 requirements
  20 requires
   2 rescued
   2 resemble
   9 reserved
   4 resignation
   1 resigned
  15 resist
   1 resistance
   4 resolution
   1 resolutions
   3 resolve
   1 resorts
  31 respect
   3 respectful
   1 responsibilities
   1 responsibility
   1 responsible
   7 rest
   1 restitution
  21 restore
   3 restored
   2 restores
   1 restrained
   1 restraining
   2 restriction
   7 restrictions
   2 rests
   3 result
  34 resurrection
   3 retain
   2 retained
   1 retentive
   2 retreats
   6 return
   1 returned
   1 returning
   1 returns
   2 reveal
  20 revealed
   1 revealing
   4 revelation
   2 revelations
   5 revenge
  10 reverence
   3 reverend
  20 reward
   1 rewarded
  10 rewards
   1 rib
   2 ribs
   1 rich
   2 richer
   1 ridicule
   1 ridiculous
  73 right
   1 rightfully
   4 rightly
   9 rights
   2 ring
  15 rise
   5 risen
   2 rising
   1 ritual
   1 river
   1 robbing
   1 rock
   1 rod
   6 roman
  13 rome
   1 roots
   3 rosaries
  20 rosary
   7 rose
   1 round
   1 royal
   1 rubbed
   1 rubbing
  15 rule
   1 ruled
   1 ruler
   3 rulers
   7 rules
   3 ruling

R  =  224 words (1625 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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