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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

S  =  395 words (5258 occurrences)
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Frequency - Word Form
 209 s
  14 sabbath
 210 sacrament
  28 sacramental
  31 sacramentals
 164 sacraments
  39 sacred
  56 sacrifice
  10 sacrilege
   1 sacrilegious
   1 sacristy
   1 safety
  60 said
  13 saint
 102 saints
  28 sake
   1 saloons
   1 salt
   2 salutation
  35 salvation
  91 same
   1 same-christ
   1 sanc
   1 sanctification
   3 sanctified
   2 sanctifies
   8 sanctify
  37 sanctifying
   2 sanction
   2 sanctioned
   1 sanctions
   2 sanctity
   2 satan
  16 satisfaction
   4 satisfactions
   6 satisfied
  23 satisfy
   2 satisfying
   6 saturday
   1 saturdays
   1 saul
   1 savage
  19 save
  32 saved
   3 saving
  10 saviour
   4 saw
  88 say
  36 saying
   2 sayings
  15 says
   7 scandal
   2 scandalous
   7 scapular
   7 scapulars
   2 scene
   1 schismatics
   1 scholars
   7 school
   2 schools
   1 science
   2 scourged
   4 scourging
  25 scripture
   5 scriptures
   2 scruples
   1 scrupulous
   2 sealed
   1 seashore
   1 seasons
   3 seat
  37 second
   1 secondly
   8 secret
   1 secretly
   1 secrets
   1 secular
   5 secure
   1 secured
   1 securing
  24 see
   1 seed
   1 seeds
   1 seeing
  17 seek
   4 seeking
   2 seeks
   5 seem
   2 seems
   6 seen
   6 sees
   1 seized
   1 seldom
   1 selecting
   2 selection
   1 self
   1 self-accusations
   1 self-defense
   1 self-sacrificing
   1 self-willed
   2 selfish
   1 selves
   1 senate
   7 send
   1 sending
  11 sense
   7 senses
  22 sent
   3 sentence
  10 separate
   1 separated
   1 separation
   4 sepulchre
   1 seraphim
   6 serious
   5 seriously
   1 sermon
   1 sermons
   3 serpent
   5 servants
  17 serve
   2 server
   7 service
   1 services
  17 servile
   2 serving
   5 set
  34 seven
   2 seventeenth
  25 seventh
   1 seventy
   7 several
   7 severe
   1 severely
   1 sex
  65 shall
  42 shalt
   4 shame
   1 shape
  15 share
   3 shared
   1 sharing
  16 she
   6 shed
   4 shedding
   1 shelter
   1 shepherd
   1 shepherds
   1 shine
   2 short
   1 shorten
   1 shortened
 301 should
   1 shoulder
   5 shoulders
  57 show
  10 showed
   6 showing
   3 shown
   6 shows
   1 shrines
   4 shun
   1 shut
   2 shuts
  10 sick
   2 sick-room
  14 sickness
   3 side
   1 sides
   7 sight
  58 sign
  13 signifies
  21 signify
  11 signs
   2 silk
   2 silver
  10 similar
   1 simon
   2 simony
   5 simply
 487 sin
   2 sin-mortal
   3 sinai
  26 since
   8 sincere
   2 sincerely
  31 sinful
   1 sinfully
   5 sinfulness
   1 singing
   3 single
   4 sinless
  13 sinned
   6 sinner
   2 sinners
  12 sinning
 295 sins
   1 sister
   3 sisters
   6 sits
   3 sitteth
   2 situated
   4 six
   1 sixteenth
  26 sixth
   1 size
   1 skulls
   2 slain
   3 slander
   3 slanders
   2 slaves
   3 sleep
   1 slew
  17 slight
   1 slightest
   2 slightly
   1 slime
   8 sloth
  12 small
   2 smallest
   1 smell
   2 smoke
   1 snow
  80 so
   1 social
  13 societies
   5 society
   2 sodalities
   2 sold
   1 soldier
   4 soldiers
   1 sole
   1 solely
  14 solemn
   4 solemnity
   6 solemnize
   3 solemnly
   2 solid
  75 some
   6 something
   1 sometime
  25 sometimes
  89 son
   3 songs
   1 sons
  13 soon
  49 sorrow
   9 sorrowful
  18 sorry
   4 sought
 134 soul
  74 souls
   1 sound
   2 source
   8 sources
   6 sovereign
   1 spare
  12 speak
   2 speaking
   9 speaks
  41 special
   4 specially
   1 species
   1 speech
   8 spells
   5 spend
   1 spent
   1 spilling
  36 spirit
  10 spiritists
   4 spirits
  49 spiritual
   1 spiritually
   3 spite
   4 spoke
   4 sponsor
  12 sponsors
   2 spread
   4 spring
   1 sprinkler
   1 sprinkling
  47 st
   5 stable
   1 stain
   1 stains
   1 stamped
   1 stand
   1 standing
   1 star
  83 state
   1 stated
   3 states
   1 stating
   1 station
   4 stations
   1 statue
   3 statues
   5 stay
   2 stayed
   9 steal
   5 stealing
   1 step
   1 steps
   1 stick
   4 still
   2 stole
   6 stolen
   8 stone
   1 stood
   1 storms
   8 strange
   2 strangers
  10 strength
  10 strengthen
   4 strengthened
   3 strengthening
   1 strengthens
   1 strewed
   4 strict
   6 strictly
   1 string
   1 strings
   1 stripped
   1 strive
   9 strong
   1 stronger
   1 strongly
   4 stubbornness
   1 studied
   1 studying
   4 sub-deacon
   3 sub-deaconship
   1 sub-divided
   1 subdeacons
   8 subject
   3 subjects
   6 submit
   2 subsists
  43 substance
   1 subtility
   2 succeed
   1 successful
   1 successive
   7 successor
  17 successors
  89 such
   2 sudden
  26 suffer
  14 suffered
  23 suffering
  13 sufferings
   3 suffers
   2 suffice
  33 sufficient
   2 sufficiently
   1 suggest
   2 suicide
   2 suit
   2 suited
   1 sun
   1 sun-day
  54 sunday
  16 sundays
   5 sung
   4 superabundant
   4 superior
  19 superiors
  17 supernatural
   3 superstition
   1 superstitious
   3 supper
   1 supplied
   2 supplies
   2 supply
   2 supplying
  18 support
   3 supporting
   1 supposed
   1 suppress
   8 supreme
   5 sure
   2 surely
   1 surface
   2 surrender
   1 surrounded
   3 suspect
   1 swallowing
   4 swear
   1 swearing
   1 swears
   6 sweat
   1 sweetness
   1 symbol
   1 synagogues

S  =  395 words (5258 occurrences)
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